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  • Looking for feedback on your product?

    162 replies
    Hi Makers, If you are pre-launch or you have an MVP launched just recently, and you're looking for some feedback before going with a large audience, just let me know, I can help you with that. Product Hunt is not just a community site to launch, it is a place where we help each other as well. Looking forward to seeing your products!


    Cihan Geyik
    Hey everyone. looking for feedback ----> https://usekangaroo.com
    Cihan Geyik
    @aboubakr_mekhatria yes, it a bookmarking tool for business & teams. Thanks for your great feedback. We have to do this and we will. Would you like to use Kangaroo for free in Beta? We need more feedback from you :)
    @cihan_geyik is it a sharing bookmark tool ? The video in the landing page is not that clear, try to segment it's content into small videos, each one for each feature, it would be easy to follow.
    Tyler Nass
    Yes I am looking for feedback! https://mul8r.com -- let me know your thoughts!
    @tyler_nass Sure, I just sent to you a mesage to download it. 1- I like the name of your product 2- You just need to be specific on which script you'r support in your product 3- Put some tutorials on how to use, it will help people and you will avoid extra questions
    Tyler Nass
    @aboubakr_mekhatria Awesome thanks! You can use any script -- it gives developers the freedom to save any script that they want. In the mockup on the site, those are just example scripts that they can save!
    Muhammad Hasham
    Hi there! I just developed this FOSS product can you have a look at it https://github.com/MohammadHasha.... Let me know your thoughts! Thanks.
    @muhammadhasham Great idea ! I lijke the fact that is open source 1- what is your target audience ? 2- It would be great if the users can select from-to time of the video, otherwise he will come up with hundreds of images 3- Add some UI on it, ot enlarge your users, not everybody know how to launch it via NodeJS. Hope this helps
    Muhammad Hasham
    @aboubakr_mekhatria Thanks a lot. I'll definitely consider these points and would update my product accordingly. That was a valuable feedback
    Mitch Gillogly
    Here's our ship page if you wanted to sign up to be notified when we launch at the end of the month. https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
    Stephen Co
    Hi, I'm re-launching a kickstarter campaign for my kinetic art product which has roots in the Maker community. The pre-launch page is here: https://www.kickstarter.com/proj... I previously ran another kickstarter which funded successfully and hoping that I can attract alot of return backers. Cheers, Stephen
    @nyte Wonderful !! Have you talked with some coffee shops, I think they will love it. It will bring warmth into the space, and will attract some curious customers.
    Stephen Co
    @aboubakr_mekhatria Not yet, never thought of that actually! I know my previous campaign had some customers in yoga studios and dental offices, luckily I have those contacts and can ping them for support for this campaign.
    @nyte Always more love for hardware based projects. How amazing it would be if this was somehow connected to internet and change waves based on weather/songs I am listening to. 🙈
    Amir Noorafkan
    Hello Mekhatria, We recently launched the public beta of our app, named Atlys Explorer, on the Google Play Store. We'd love to hear what you think of it. Atlys Explorer landing page: https://www.atlys.app Thank you for your time,
    @amir_noorafkan A single hub for data visualization is what people are looking for, but is very challenging as each data source app has it's own UI and a different way to analyse their own data. Now how do you connect to other apps ? If I have my fitbit App and another gym App, can Atlys gather their data and display that to me from a single Atlys ? I couldn't fin it in Google Play to take a look at it. it's an ambitious project.
    Amir Noorafkan
    @aboubakr_mekhatria Thank you for your feedback! Yes you will eventually be able to connect all your apps and collect their data in one location, and store them only on your device in an encrypted database. At the moment the data sources are GPS, Google Fit, and Digital Activity (screen time and app usage). Other data sources, such as Fitbit, is in the pipeline and will be added to Atlys Explorer very soon! You can find Atlys Explorer on the Play Store through this link (https://play.google.com/store/ap...), or by visiting our Product Hunt page (https://www.producthunt.com/post...).
    @amir_noorafkan I will put it in list to do. Will come back to you.
    Amir Noorafkan
    @kanad_bahalkar thank you so much for taking the time to give us your feedback! We’ll update our landing page to reflect your comments.
    Gavan Gibson
    Hey Mekhatria, We just launched the first North American home co-ownership platform: https://sharetini.com - would love to hear your thoughts and feedback. Best, Gavan
    @gavangibson Hi Gavan, is it only available on iOS ? I want to test it into my Android ! If you'r looking for investment, just write to me in private.
    Gavan Gibson
    @aboubakr_mekhatria Hi Mekhatria, thanks for getting back to me. We decided to lead with iOS but have the Android version slated for September. Will let you know as soon as we do - we'd love to hear your feedback and thoughts. Cheers
    Gavan Gibson
    @kanad_bahalkar Thanks Kanad, appreciate the feedback regarding copy and conversion. If you have a moment - be interested in your feedback regarding the mobile app!
    Yes, we just launched our MVP for our social network for written content and podcasts, although our MVP is currently hosting blog posts! You can read more on our website: www.bawler.xyz You can create a profile, connect with others, read great content and much more! Our biggest current struggle is getting users to upload content to fill up our MVP that will be transferred to our fully developed website. If you want to register and try it out, I'll be really glad, and if you like it, recommend it to anyone/everyone: https://bawler.seunite.com/ Also any advice on how to get more test-users/people to upload content and feedback would be greatly appreciated!
    @bawler__ I think the best way to have users and contents, is to check with universities and some colleges, they love to make their students and different communities practice on it. I don't think putting "register for beta tester" in the landing page is a great idea, people don't know you yet, your best bet is to have the people you know to be your beta tester, I advice to not put that in the landing page. Still, you can ask some universities communities to use it. Hope this help.
    @aboubakr_mekhatria Thank you for the advice, it helps! I actually had thought about the university and community idea as a go-to-market strategy!
    Carole lachance
    Good initiative, I love it !
    Christian Baudry
    Hi there: Looking for feedback: https://mooctutoring.com/ Let me know your thoughts! Thanks! Chris
    Hanna Barzakouskaya
    At first, the idea is great! Some thoughts: o understand what the site is about people should read everything in the blue paragraph. And only the second block describes the project. I'd make it more clearly so that the person did not have time to close the site. And I'd make categories as well... I hope my thoughts were helpful and good luck!
    @christian_baudry Hi Christian, I agree with @anna_panchenko , take a look at this web site: https://www.lynda.com/, it will give you some idea. Your web site is all about the presentation, you have to put 100% of the presentation and attraction, as you redirect the content to the different web sites.
    David Eberle
    Hi @aboubakr_mekhatria - big kudos! If you've ever wondered, why we're using 140-year old typewriter technology to type on our phones, check out https://typewise.app and see how we are (trying to) make typing simple (and start a revolution) :-)
    @davideberle Interesting app, but as the phones are equipped with the writing assistant that autocomplete the words and the transcript functionalities for the chatting and other type needs, what is your product adding or enhancing from what I just mentioned ?
    David Eberle
    @kanad_bahalkar great stuff, many thanks! use cases are a nice idea, we need to find some impactful ones. Thanks to the ~70% larger buttons you make less mistakes, in all words. For some that's more important because it's ambiguous to auto correction what you're trying to say, and auto correct in normal keyboards makes a bad correction. Having 2-3 good examples would help, I agree :)
    David Eberle
    @aboubakr_mekhatria sure - there are always moments where you need to type vs. speak. Be it for confidentiality reasons, be it because you're using words difficult to transcribe, or be it because you're composing a longer email which is difficult to dictate. Based on user feedback, 73% were annoyed with bad auto corrections, where the keyboard corrects something wrongly. Our novel design (1) reduces typos in the first place through larger keys, (2) has an correction and prediction algorithm that learns very quickly from the user, (3) we respect privacy 100%, all what you write stays on your phone :-)
    Hanna Barzakouskaya
    A couple of days ago we launched our project in Coming and I'd like to get your thoughts about it. Here's the link https://www.producthunt.com/upco... I've got some feedback about some people may be afraid to check diseases risks about their health. What do you think about it? As for me, I'm sharing the idea of one of the well-knowing professor. He supposes that if even our healthcare will be able to predict cancer for a long time before it appears to cancer, we would still get patients with the 4 stage cancer. But it doesn't mean that we don't need to develop early diagnosis approaches.
    @anna_panchenko Good project, I am exited to see it, is the App available in the App store or Google Play ?
    Deep Velani
    Hey, Looking for feedback. ----> https://twig.social Let me know if you find this useful. Thanks!
    @deep_velani1 I don't think it is a good question to ask if it's useful :) you have to believe in your product and be convinced about it. If you found out that is it hard to share pictures from instagram to Twitter, so it be, I don't use intagram! Your landing page needs some more content to explain the why and the how, the line in the right is not enough ! another advice, the mention "it's free" should not be small, put it as it will be the first thing we can see. Hope this help.
    Deep Velani
    @aboubakr_mekhatria thanks for your valuable feedback.
    Povilas Klusaitis
    Hi, it would be great to get a feedback for my habit tracking app https://newhabitapp.com
    Nick Freiling
    @povilas_klusaitis I like the concept! But the description at the top only confused me. I understood it better when I just ignored that and looked at the screenshots. Maybe simplify? "BECOME A BETTER YOU | NewHabit empowers you to create new habits and track your progress." At the very least, the sub-header at the top looks generic -- as if it just came with the website template.
    @povilas_klusaitis I agree with @nickfreilin, you app is interesting. As per the video you put in your landing page, try to find the match in your app with what this guys said, I man find a way to make people use the trigger in your app, to be able the change their habits.
    @povilas_klusaitis other thing, are the data private, I know many people don't want their habits to be leaked ;)
    Mani Milan
    Hey @aboubakr_mekhatria we launched our MVP www.oowldesk.com today, we welcome your feedback. Thanks in advance!
    @milan1 Well, I already new that other website offer the same service, the pictures of the freelancers are good but it will be interesting to add a 30 sec voice of each freelancer, to give an idea to the customers.
    Mani Milan
    @kanad_bahalkar Thank you for the feedback, all good points. And i really liked how you used the bubble extension to place your feedback right where the change should happen.
    Bete Pontes
    Would love if you can have a look at http://www.buybycountry.com
    Sonya Eldarova
    @bete_pontes I like how simple it is however I think you should work on menu because now it looks a little confusing ( add more information or filters). I would also suggest to add a short description of your product on the top of first page.
    @bete_pontes 1- In the landing page I would rather replace " the globale home.." by " find the products&services in your country " 2- add some description of your business model, and why you exist ? What is it the value added for your customers? make it easy to them to understand, I have spent many minutes to understand it (the users are not that patiente( 3- What it the section: mars, Yellow abstract..?? it is not clear at all what is this about. 4- add section for local small business, a lot of countries are encouraging the local purchase, so attract these niche
    Sriram Yarlagadda
    This is great! Would love some feedback on a chrome extension I recently launched: https://chrome.google.com/websto...
    @sriram_y 1- How will you managed it when there is thousands on the page in the same time ? how will talk to who? 2- the idea is great, nut i think you need tot target a specific users for the beginning, such as students when they get on the school web page and they need to have some discussion on it. great idea !!
    Sriram Yarlagadda
    @aboubakr_mekhatria awesome! Thanks for the feedback. - So with regards to managing a lot of users at once, we pretty much operate like a comment section (like the ones you see on different news websites underneath an article). Users can all simultaneously post, reply, upvote, or downvote. And every few minutes the forum is updated with the new posts. We are eventually planning to introduce a chat feature which will make this easier. - Yes that makes a lot of sense. We are trying to figure out what the best initial target market would be. I think news readers or new school students could be a great start. Glad you liked it! Thanks.
    This is exactly what I am looking for actually. I'm making AppSource as a better way to find great tools, wether it be apps, websites, browser extensions (or something else!). Thanks for doing this 🙏
    @internet_johnny 1- is it you who add the web sites, apps into your AppSource ? 2- your are competing with Google ? or any search engine ? 3- I think the lifetime pricing will kill the monthly one, but the monthly could be more profitable for you, try to change the lifetime pricing to another monthly with other features. the life time is never a good idea.
    Laurent Pellegrino
    That's a really kind offer. We just finished an MVP for Ipregistry: https://ipregistry.co. Would love to get your feedback!
    @ouaibou Good Idea, you'r democratizing the track system, have already got some users ? Generally the chatbot in the bottom right can provide those kind of information as well. but your idea is great.