15 day streak! How has Product Hunt affected your life?

Alex von Reiche
33 replies
For me, I really enjoy the general sense of optimism and encouragement. It's exciting to see a community where everyone is encouraged to give and help others grow!


Every day I read here about new smart ideas, tips and tricks (both work and life related), I try to follow some of them and it works!
Product Hunt is pretty much the only place where I look for stuff, and try out a lot of solutions, my only problem...to fu*king picky but every time impressed and super grateful for what you all build...my target right now...a landing page a day and taking care to communicate and tell the kids what it means to be a 1%
Michael Moore
This is such a great platform for sharing your experiences and learn from others.
Congrats on the streak! I’ve found some great tools on here that I’ll definitely be bringing to the office. So many great finds and ideas!
It help me make a lot of friends there
Melissa Garcia
Great community! Learning so much.
Muneeb Awan
On my 8th day streak :D Goal is to get to 101 points before our launch next week!
Tornike Tsiramua
Congrats! I love this place. To increase community and understand more about new products
Felya Bilgen
Absolutely love it! It keeps me in the loop with all the latest innovations, but the losing streak hurts when I forget to be online on weekends.
Henry Habib
Great community Love the positive vibes and all the cool tools you can discover.
George Aleesu
I guess the most productive entrepreneurship community I've used for now.. really changing a lot for me. Really love it here!
George Aleesu
Who agrees with me?
Igor Lysenko
PH has become my favorite social network where I spend almost every day.
Mahir Mahdi
Awesome Alex! Mine's 10 days. It's an amazing community. Love the vibe. Probably bc everyone's on the same wavelength.
Mansi Trivedi
I like this place! Specially writing the long comments for products! Honestly, I've never met so many people in my life before!
zuhaib ashfaq
It's been 9 days of my streak and I have loved the community so far. New project and ideas really inspire me. I'm not launching any soon, I'm just sitting and earing 🍿 behind the scenes, learning from people's success and experiences.
Alex von Reiche
@zuhaib_ashfaq It's so cool to see the hard work people are putting in!
Carol Moh
Congrats on the streak! It’s really been a great (and pleasant) surprise how much knowledge and insights are being shared on the daily! Every day I seem to learn something new which also makes me want to return and share whatever knowledge I can in return! 🙌
Alex von Reiche
@carolmoh Thank you! Right? There is so much to learn here.
Shajedul Karim
15 days, nice one! yeah, product hunt's got this great vibe of optimism. it's a place where it feels like everyone's in your corner, pushing you to do better. love how it's not just about launching stuff but also about lifting each other up. how's your experience been? gotten any gems of advice or made some cool connections?