Google Analytics Interface
5 replies
Hey Makers!
I am wondering if anyone here is having trouble with the Google Analytics interface. I used to feel its heavy for simple use cases instead we need a simple one page interface. Actually, I will be launching a product soon for that, wanted to get some opinions!
Ferenc Forgacs@feriforgacs
Gift Hunt
@steve15645462 every time I had to find something in GA I felt a bit lost, even though I used it on a daily basis for years. Custom dashboards solved some of these issues but clearly, there still space for enhancements. Looking forward to your product.
@steve15645462 ga is fairly complex and has a lot of information. Especially in combination with the search console this can get confusing I've noticed
@steve15645462 the idea of keeping it simpler is good I think
@steve15645462 There are many dashboards available for Analytics which achieve exactly that.
Also Google Data Studio is excellent for making 1 page reports which can be emailed to you on a schedule.