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  • 100 Days Until 2025: What's Your Goal?

    Nikita Lin
    13 replies
    Only 99 days left in 2024 and 100 days until 2025 begins! What do you want to accomplish in these final months? And what goals are you setting for January 1st, 2025? Share your plans and aspirations!


    Nikita Lin
    @ag94 Hang in there. Better days are coming.
    I hope my product will get 10000 users until the end of 2024
    Nikita Lin
    @echo_wu That's an exciting goal! Wishing you all the success in reaching 10,000 users in 2024. May your hard work pay off!
    Karthik Tatikonda
    Focus on LaunchPedia and my new offline startup! Making enough money that I don't need to go back to 9-5 What about you?
    Nikita Lin
    @karthik_tatikonda LaunchPedia is awesome! Thanks for introducing me to such a cool platform. I'm diving into product marketing right now, and I think it's going to be super helpful for my future product launches :) And Wishing you all the best with your offline startup. Hope you hit that financial freedom soon! As for me, my goal is to develop my first product by the end of 2024. In addition to development, I want to learn the whole process of product marketing and meet more smart, hardworking product makers along the way. Exciting times ahead!
    Karthik Tatikonda
    Thanks @fnnikita 🤗 Let me know if you have any suggestions on how we can improve LaunchPedia. Also, All the best to you!
    be successful always happy not short of money and can make family happy 😁
    Nikita Lin
    @dedew16 Love those goals! Here's to making them happen in 2025. Cheering you on!
    A Chenchen
    the goal is life happy and i hope u get this too
    Nikita Lin
    @a_chenchen Here's to happiness for both of us! :)
    Nikola Djordjevic
    @fnnikita I love the energy here! I plan to successfully launch my product, Teract. In addition, I'm working on another project that I hope to finish and launch by the end of 2024. 🚀
    Nikita Lin
    @djordjevic_nikola Love the energy too! Can't wait for Teract - I'm all set to hear about the launch. Looking forward to trying it out! Good luck with your other project as well. Here's to successful launches all around!