100 day streak ๐Ÿš€ What is the problem you solve with your product?

Frank Sondors
108 replies
Today marks my 100-day streak BUT I'm not here to brag. I'm curious to find out what problems you solve with your product or service. Remember to not talk about your solution, which I know is hard. I'll start! In our case, with Salesforge.ai, we solve a huge problem for startups needing to scale cost-efficiently and we believe cold email is the way, but the problem is that people send templates instead of personalizing their outreach. Also because only around 1%-3% of the people on the list are potential buyers of your product/service, people end up sending hundreds of emails, which frequently end up landing in spam. What's the main 1-2 problems that you solve that people would be willing to pay you to get rid of the problem? Also, should I got for 200-day streak or not? Join our coming soon page: https://www.producthunt.com/prod...


Julien Zmiro
Super impressive, congrats on the 100 days streak! Salesforge sounds super promising as well. For us, we built AskMore because of a problem we experienced first hand on our own side projects: It's super hard to get feedback on projects. User interviews are great, but it's hard to get more than a handful of them and it's a very slow and time consuming process. User surveys are quick and can reach a broader audience, but they only provide shallow answers. That's how my friend got the idea of using AI to basically make surveys smarter and ask follow up questions. We're actually live on Product Hunt today with a special deal: producthunt.com/posts/askmore Would love to get people's thoughts on it!
Frank Sondors
Are you planning on achieving a 100-day streak?
38 Answers
Frank Sondors
@andriyuh love it! let me know if I can support you
Frank Sondors
@patrick_sao_e14 what gives you the strength to keep going? I struggle for sure.
@profy17 I am going for that top100 placement
Hats off for your discipline. Highest streak that I made was somewhere around 22.
Abdul Razzaq
@therahulv Mine is 12 days ๐Ÿ˜’
@therahulv Maintaining a streak for 22 days is fantastic! Keep up the good work!
Frank Sondors
@therahulv don't worry. Keep it up and push it!
Absolutely agree! In today's fast-paced digital landscape, staying ahead in terms of productivity and maintaining a strong online presence can be quite a challenge. That's where AiToolsKit.ai steps in seamlessly. It's fascinating how this all-in-one platform combines the power of AI-driven tools with essential functionalities like SEO optimization, efficient content writing, and even social media strategies. This holistic approach addresses the core problem many of us face: streamlining various tasks across these domains without getting overwhelmed. With AiToolsKit.ai, it's like having a versatile toolkit at your disposal, ready to enhance your online productivity and marketing game. PH LINK: https://rebrand.ly/ph/ai Speaking of problem-solving, let me share a real-world example of how AiToolsKit.ai effortlessly fits into the picture. Imagine you're managing a small business and you're tasked with not only creating engaging content for your website but also ensuring it's optimized for search engines. It can be quite a juggling act, right? Well, AiToolsKit.ai steps up by offering AI-assisted writing tools that help you craft compelling content while keeping SEO principles in mind. It's like having a writing assistant that ensures your content not only resonates with your audience but also gets the visibility it deserves. This intersection of writing, SEO, and marketing tools in one platform is where AiToolsKit.ai truly shines, making life easier for anyone striving to leave a mark in the digital realm.
Frank Sondors
@wajahat_aitoolskit what was your motivation in creating Rebrand?
@franksondors my startup is AiToolsKit.ai, rebrandly is just a link shortener that I have used.
Daniel Hunt
The problem we're tackling: Lots of people would benefit from therapy. Even if it's just talking through emotional reactions to everyday events or having a little push to ask ourselves difficult questions that are easy to ignore. The problem is that getting professional therapy is far too expensive and difficult to access. We've created an AI therapy app that aims to address the gap between the cost of human therapists and the value that thinking about and expressing our feelings creates! Launching Weds 6th Sept! ๐Ÿฅน
Frank Sondors
@daniel_hunt4 This is an excellent overview of the problem. Good luck with your launch! ๐Ÿš€
Moin Shaikh
Hi Daniel Hunt! I'm really intrigued by your AI therapy app. It sounds like a great solution to a common problem. I a curious questions for you: How does your AI therapy app provide a personalized and effective therapeutic experience for users? Are there specific techniques or algorithms it uses to understand and address individual needs? I'm just curious to know because your product seems to be really touching the human emotions, or at least, helping them get back their emotions. Once again, great idea and all the very best for your launch!
Irina Sobol
Congratulations on the 100 days of streak! Our product is digital marketing solutions for market leaders. It may sound corny, but our product solves all possible problems, no matter what client come to us with, we'll solve it anyway. Because we offer all possible solutions in the field of digital marketing and we know which one to choose better, we don't mindlessly mold the template website. But in most cases, the problem is finding leads. Companies often don't know where to look for them and how to do it competently and effectively. We also specialize in crypto projects So that the words don't sound like a dummy, you can check our case, where the project raised $500,000 in the first minutes of the presale, if you're interested in: https://dribbble.com/shots/22018...
Tenley Gray
Congrats on maintaining a three-digit streak. Yeah you must go on for 200-day streak.
Frank Sondors
@hayden_foster it's feels too far away, haha
We are strictly regulated. There are long-term tasks for both 100 and 180 days, and there are for a week, which fall into the outline of a long-term .. Everything is according to science, so to speak
Piotr Obidowski
Congrats on 100-day streak! At visualizee.ai we try to help architects transform their sketch concepts into realistic renders in seconds with help of AI.
Frank Sondors
@pobidowski that's the solution. What's the pain?
Piotr Obidowski
@franksondors traditional rendering takes ages so itโ€™s really hard on concept stage to provide multiple visions for the house quickly.
Congrats on the streak, keep it up!! :) We are helping with time-loss, scattered files, lack of productivity and efficiency. It all started when one of our co-founders was frustrated with having to search through multiple apps to find that one information he was looking for. We are ensuring that all your cloud-based apps like Notion, Slack, Gmail, Drive etc are unified in one place from which you can search for anything that you know is out there among your data - its like your personal google. Additionally, with our upcoming second launch it will be possible to chat with your data! You will not only be relieved of spending time searching for the information - you will also have the answer you want instantly.
Frank Sondors
@sandradjajic I love your 2nd launch even more than the first one. Unfortunately I missed your first launch, but I promise I won't miss the 2nd one. You can count on me there.
@franksondors Thank you Frank, I am extremely grateful for the kind words. Your support means a lot :) You can count on me with your launch as well!
Sahil Shah
Impressive achievement on reaching a 100-day streak! I am at 12 days streak never cross 25 โ˜น
Steve Lou
Congrats on your 100-day streak, hope I'll get to that! :) What did you learn from that streak? Personal branding takes time, requires you to engage with many communities on social media, and can be frustrating. With Spheria.ai, we've built a platform to help entrepreneurs create their personal AI. It's the digital version of you that centralizes your online presence, tells your story, and collects feedback from your customers.
Frank Sondors
@steve_lourdessamy that it's hard to do it during the summer, Steve. Really hard! I literally had one day a few minutes left to renew my streak during a holiday, haha. I love consistency. It's similar to sales, which is my core strength. Creating a personal brand is important, but I don't have time for it. Too busy running the business.
Gabriel Greyson
100 days of dedication and counting, you're on fire! ๐Ÿ”ฅ Your product is evidently a game-changer.
Hina Siddiqui
Hitting 100 days in your streak deserves a celebration! ๐ŸŽŠ Your product is obviously making waves.
Owen Keller
Congrats Frank!!! keep up the graph of your streaks
Frank Sondors
@owen_keller it's getting exhausting, I must say!
Frank Sondors
@anna_kasumova that's the best compliment, I've received today. Appreciate the kind words. We're working 7days/week to help us realise our dream.
Anna Kasumova
@franksondors I became your 100-follower in Twitter. You must remember me and my compliment :)
Adam Cohen Hillel
weekends are the thing that breaks my streak!
Frank Sondors
@adamcohenhillel holidays is where it gets tricky for me, haha
Congrats Frank!
Frank Sondors
@katushkas what's your streak goal, Kate?
Iuliia Shnai
Problem: How to send your pitch deck to investors and gain feedback Solution: papermark.io - Open Sources Docsend alternative - custom domain - built-in analytics on each slide - feedback for your deck
Frank Sondors
@iuliia_shnai clear and to the point, love it Iuliia. How long did it take you to build it>?
Iuliia Shnai
@franksondors I am working on it with @mfts0 he is main dev I am contributing to it as it is open source. https://github.com/mfts/papermark The project exists for 2-3 months. I checked also the Salesforge, looks interesting, personalized emails to each lead? Also launching soon:))
Frank Sondors
@iuliia_shnai yeeah, Iuliia. Do send your launch link over. Here is ours: https://www.producthunt.com/prod...