Zie (Travelling with Chiu)

Zie (Travelling with Chiu)

Experienced VA / Comm. Manager
41 points
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Zie (Travelling with Chiu)
This is amazing!!! Thank you for helping change the lives of the Filipinos for the better. <3
Saving 137M jobs from AI - the retraining platform for SEA
Zie (Travelling with Chiu)
Promote within the team then supplement with trainings :)
Rissy Miranda
Will you promote a leader within the team or hire from outside? Why?
Rissy Miranda
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Zie (Travelling with Chiu)
My Lazada checkouts lol
Shon Paunan
What's one habit you want to keep and one habit you want to get rid of?
Zie (Travelling with Chiu)
Clickup :)
Paul VanZandt
Favorite work from home tools?
Paul VanZandt
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