Susan Harris Scott

Susan Harris Scott

Hi all !!! I'm Susan from San Diego, CA
17 points
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Susan Harris Scott
Susan Harris Scott
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Adobe XD. I put all my ideas on that app.
Yesser Falk
Which Web Design tool do you use and why?
Susan Harris Scott
Susan Harris Scott
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After Facebook ads, I'm struggling with native ads !!!
Lena Dorogenskaya
What are you currently learning?
Lena Dorogenskaya
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Susan Harris Scott
Susan Harris Scott
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Any content that truly solves a problem.
Eric Amorin
What kind of content helps you drive more conversions?
Susan Harris Scott
Susan Harris Scott
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As freelancer I work remotely only and I like it a lot especially because I love to work at night
Martina Hackbartt
Do you work remotely? Is your company fully remote? Let me know in the poll!
Martina Hackbartt
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Susan Harris Scott
Susan Harris Scott
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Just started and I like the UI !!!
Utku Uzun
What do you think about Google Analytics 4? Have you started to use it?