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    Rohit Kumar
    Rohit Kumar
    left a comment
    I’d gather early feedback and build relationships with early adopters before the launch.
    Muhammad Ahmed
    If you could go back, what would you do differently in your product launch?
    Muhammad Ahmed
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    Rohit Kumar
    Rohit Kumar
    left a comment
    I wake up and check my emails then grab my black coffee
    Nayab ishfaq
    What’s the first thing you do when you start your workday?
    Rohit Kumar
    Rohit Kumar
    left a comment
    I try to make time for my hobby at least once a week to unwind.
    Iqra Arif
    How often do you engage in your hobby?
    Rohit Kumar
    Rohit Kumar
    left a comment
    I really appreciate tools that integrate seamlessly with other apps I use daily. It save so much time!
    Declan Ambrose
    What feature do you value most in new productivity tools?
    Declan Ambrose
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    Rohit Kumar
    Rohit Kumar
    left a comment
    It depends according to the priority, If something other than the unexpected task is priority then I will do that.
    Ernest Wolfe
    What's your strategy for dealing with unexpected tasks that disrupt your productivity?
    Rohit Kumar
    Rohit Kumar
    left a comment
    I align my time with goals by setting clear priorities and using a planner to map out my week
    How do you align your time with your goals to optimize your life?
    Rohit Kumar
    Rohit Kumar
    left a comment
    Webinars are great for staying updated on the latest marketing tech.
    Sidra Arif
    How do you stay updated with latest marketing trends and technologies?
    Rohit Kumar
    Rohit Kumar
    left a comment
    Can I set alerts for specific market movements or trends within the platform?
    Live crypto insights only the whales get to see
    Rohit Kumar
    Rohit Kumar
    left a comment
    I set small goals each day and celebrate when I hit them. It keeps me moving forward
    How do you stay motivated throughout the week to ensure you meet your goals?