Priya Katiyar

Priya Katiyar

Marketing mngr. Finding Early adopters
4 points
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Priya Katiyar
Priya Katiyar
started a discussion

What's the importance of streaking on Product hunt?

Hi! I'm relatively new here and feeling a little lost. Why are people stressing about streaking on PH? Also, don't you have to be active on weekends too to maintain the streaks?
Priya Katiyar
Priya Katiyar
started a discussion

How to network on Product Hunt?

New here! Please help me make possible connections that can get us early adopters for our MVP.
Priya Katiyar
Priya Katiyar
started a discussion

Hey! Joined PH recently. Want to know how you all got your first set of early adopters?

P.S I'm currently working as a marketing manager for a personal cashflow management web app( start-up) and we need people who would be genuinely interested to try our product.