Porush Puri 🇮🇳

Porush Puri 🇮🇳

Building 24Seven.Design Agency
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Porush Puri 🇮🇳

What's the one newsletter you always look forward to reading? Share your favourite

We all have that one newsletter we can't wait to read. For me, it's Monday Marketing and The Hustle. How about you? Share your favourite—I'm looking forward to trying new ones!
Porush Puri 🇮🇳
Congratulations and well done!
Suchal Bojamma
Wow! I've been up for 21 hrs 😅
Suchal Bojamma
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Porush Puri 🇮🇳
Thanks for creating this resource, looks goood!
Discover the best open-source projects
Porush Puri 🇮🇳
It's always better to reply as fast as you can, but need to touch grass too :)
Tiep Vu
Should you really stay awake for 24 hours on launching day?
Porush Puri 🇮🇳
love the journey! kudos to you and the team
Paul Mit
How we used $0 marketing to grow to 320k users
Porush Puri 🇮🇳

Let's Grow Together: ExchangeFeedback on Indie Products!

Hey Indie Product Builders, I'm inviting you all to a feedback exchange! Let's try out each other's products, offer honest insights, and foster growth. It's all about giving and getting feedback to refine our projects. I'll start with my app: addletter.com, a newsletter reading and discovery platform. Perfect for managing your daily reads and finding new favourites based on your...
Porush Puri 🇮🇳
Launching in April! Let's gooo
Abhinish Tiwari
Any one launch in April?
Abhinish Tiwari
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Porush Puri 🇮🇳
Not a bot, following you now :p
Dani Schenker🇨🇭
Bots taking over ph?
Dani Schenker🇨🇭
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Porush Puri 🇮🇳
No worries, Live your life first, this doesn't really matter!
I lost my 79-day streak 😱 How do you try and keep your streak going?
Porush Puri 🇮🇳
Persistence over anything else
Isa Tanis
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned on your startup journey so far?
Porush Puri 🇮🇳
Quit my job :)
Hassan Sajjad
What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done?
Hassan Sajjad
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