Cagdas Demirel | Tw: @paretopreneur

Cagdas Demirel | Tw: @paretopreneur

HoldCo Builder
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Cagdas Demirel | Tw: @paretopreneur
Ever wanted to send a quick email only to find yourself 3 hours later buried 10 feet deep into replying to endless mails? Skip interruptions and just compose your email in peace without distractions. #JustSendit For Gmail and Google Workspace users on MacOS
Send-only email client, compose in peace, skip clutter
Cagdas Demirel | Tw: @paretopreneur
Find product-market fit fast! Without selling there’s no need for building in the first place. Instead of wasting months or years perfecting your product, learn how to get paid first, because that’s the ultimate form of validation! Fully refundable!
Just Launch It: Get paid before building
Just Launch It: Get paid before building
Validate business ideas & find Product-Market Fit fast
Cagdas Demirel | Tw: @paretopreneur
Learn what customers really think about you and your competitors. Get key insights from analyst-led conversations with your customers to quickly understand: - pricing - competition - evaluation criteria - satisfaction - most wanted improvements
Bye Churn
Bye Churn
Analyst-led conversations with your customers- increase CLTV
Cagdas Demirel | Tw: @paretopreneur

Will AI revolutionize B2B & B2C Media? #personalization

AI makes it possible to mass-produce personalization. Let me explain... Think about it, all of a sudden we can plug data about ourselves, our thoughts, preferences, relatives etc. into a machine with countless lines of diary entries e.g. code... and AI is capable of creating content out of that. It understands and memorizes links between data points much like a powerful interlinked...
Cagdas Demirel | Tw: @paretopreneur
Very important topic! Upvoted. 🔼
Let’s Get It Off Our Chests!
Let’s Get It Off Our Chests!
A guide for breast cancer survivors and their loved ones
Cagdas Demirel | Tw: @paretopreneur
Automatically puplish your pre-planned posts from Notion on Social Media without the need of an additional app like Buffer or Later.

No more planning in one app and scheduling in another.

Save time & reduce errors while enjoying all the benefits of Notion!
Post directly from Notion to Social Media w/o Buffer, Later