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    Nicholas Watson
    Nicholas Watson
    started a discussion

    Are Early Adopters Shaping or Sidetracking Your Product?

    Someone once said to me "be careful that your customers don't end up owning you" and it rang true, I once tried to build everything in to please everyone and got very sidetracked. There's a fine line between sticking to your roadmap and pleasing early adopters, right?
    Nicholas Watson
    Nicholas Watson
    left a comment
    Take small moments to pause, breathe and observe my emotions and state
    Rahul Parmar
    What's a daily habit you practice to improve yourself?
    Nicholas Watson
    Nicholas Watson
    started a discussion

    Bootstrapping vs. Seeking Investors

    I've had projects that were bootstrapped, yet my last big business was investor backed, including a huge crowdfunding campaign we ran on Crowdcube. I would never go the investor route again! But it's not to say I don't think it's right. Ultimately I feel everyone's position is different. One round usually means another, and further dilution. A $1bn exit at 20% is just the same return as a...
    Nicholas Watson
    Nicholas Watson
    started a discussion

    Building in Public: Sharing Too Much or Just Enough?

    Sharing your product development journey can build a community, but does it also risk exposing your ideas to competitors? How transparent should founders be? I meet founders that are very protective of their ideas, yet others are open. I think I heard in an Indie Hackers podcast once that there is always about 10 people pursuing your idea, and execution is everything! And luck...a bit of luck ;)
    Nicholas Watson
    Nicholas Watson
    left a comment
    What an awesome idea for a tool! Thank you
    Correct forward head posture
    Nicholas Watson
    Nicholas Watson
    started a discussion

    Introducing myself, and 12 start-ups in 12 months

    If 90% of start-ups fail, why not launch 12 of them? ;) I wanted to say hi, I'm Nick. I've helped scale 100+ software projects over 10 years in a digital agency (build and marketing) and then ran my own SaaS business for 8 years. I grew fast, made some mistakes and failed hard. Now, I'm back and in the consultancy world with an epic team, building and launching a product each month, and...
    Nicholas Watson
    Nicholas Watson
    started a discussion

    What are your top 3 tips for launching successfully on Product Hunt?

    Of course, having a good idea and problem you're solving is a given, but say you have all the usual things in order, what would you advise? I've found so much mixed advice online, and I want to do it ethically!
    Nicholas Watson
    Nicholas Watson
    left a comment
    Thanks for asking this question - I'm curious of the same!
    Priyanka Saini
    What key steps did you take before launching on Product Hunt for a successful debut?
    Priyanka Saini
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    Nicholas Watson
    Discover your core values and future vision. Inner Lens will guide you to think about where you want to be, what is important, your ideal partner, and more to help set a vision and goals for your future. It is secure and does not capture any personal data.
    Inner Lens
    Inner Lens
    Discover your core values and set a Vision