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Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
left a comment let's do it!
Alexandre Schouwey
LinkedIn, let’s connect!
Alexandre Schouwey
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Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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Do you guys use Reddit to conduct market research?

Me and my team are creating a web application which is going to solve the problem of "procrastination" and "discipline" for freelancers, digital nomads and people working from home. Reddit has been great for identifying the needs and demands of people who suffer from these problems. There are geat subreddits that exsist for almost any topic and looking through post and comments, asking...
Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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I follow you one LinkedIn. Very good content over there!
Olena Bomko
I reached 33K followers on LinkedIn. 0 outbound, ads, and hacks. Here's how:
Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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What are some of the best business/tech podcasts?

My n.1 favorite business podcasts that really inspires me and I actually found great value in is "My First Million". Here is how I would describe it: It's a podcast that explores different styles of how to create wealth, focusing on business ideas and market trends. It is hosted by Sam Parr and Shaan Puri and they dive into their personal experiences and insights as two successful...
Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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How important is storytelling?

People often forget that storytelling is a skill thaty you learn and is not something you are born with. I mean sure, some people are more extraverted than other but that doesn't mean they're great storytellers. The point is, anyone can become a great storyteller. you just need to practice :) Here is some of my advice: 1. write down your stories 2. try to make people emotionaly invested...
Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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Do you have an Instagram and TikTok account for your product?

I want to do both, but I want to know if you guys have any insight on how effective it is for Saas businesses. I really want to build a community around my product and help people on as many platforms as possible. Thanks for the help in advance :)
Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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listen to music, go for a walk or do any other sport activity :)
Ghulam Abbas
What do you prefer to do when you are stressed?
Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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what is bubble for?
Ruben Boonzaaijer
What products are you thankful for?
Ruben Boonzaaijer
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Luka Brzin
Luka Brzin
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Got my first 50 followers, here is what I learned.

I know a lot of people have posted about this topic and that some of the things I’m going to write have also already been written. But to someone who missed out or new users this can be valuable information. Soo, here are my top 3: 1. ADD VALUE: Actually engage in converastions and add value with every comment or post. I liked when people gave really good advice, which I then applied to my...