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【ShortBook】writing platform launched🔥
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https://www.linkedin.com/in/kura... Thank you!
Samir Rashed
Let's Connect! Share you LinkedIn 👇
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Have you written paid newsletters / articles / books? Paste the URL and appeal points.

Any number are welcome. Title : Your SaaS Can Grow In Japan URL : https://shortbook.life/@KurachiWeb/book/your-saas-can-grow-in-japan Appear : I know the Japanese market (so big). There is your next gold rush. AMA!
KurachiWeb 倉地 俊輔
I would be happy if AI could improve the content of my landing pages.
Wendy Huang
If AI could help you prepare for one thing, what would it be?
KurachiWeb 倉地 俊輔
Egg on rice😆
Nayab ishfaq
If you could only eat one type of cuisine for the rest of your life, what would it be?