Kishan Patel

Kishan Patel

Full-stack Engineer
56 points
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Kishan Patel
Explore similar-looking icons, illustrations, 3D illustrations and Lottie animations effortlessly with our powerful AI-powered Reverse Image Search feature. Discover captivating design assets by easily uploading an image of your choice!
Reverse Image Search
Find design assets that are similar-looking to your images
Kishan Patel
Create and personalize your favorite illustrations with IconScout Illustration Kit. Choose from diverse collections, colors, themes, and styles to mix and match your unique creation.
Illustration Kit by IconScout
Mix, match & shuffle to create endless combinations
Kishan Patel
Kishan Patel
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Amazing features🤯 , Very helpful👏
Figma to Lottie
Export production-ready animations from Figma
Kishan Patel
Say hello to Monochrome - customize icons according to your brand colors. New style icons as part of Unicons icon library.
Monochrome - Customizable Icon library
1100+ Monochrome style icons in your brand colors
Kishan Patel
200+ Monochrome style icons which are totally free to use. You can easily change the color of any icon according to your color palette. Simply apply the primary color and we will generate other color shades automatically.
Unicons Monochrome
200+ Free icons library in monochrome style