John Stewart

John Stewart

🖥️I Help SaaS SME's 🚀 With Marketing📈
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John Stewart
John Stewart
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🚀 Increasing Sign Ups With The Ultimate Free Demo / Free Trial Form 🔥

We've been working on paid ad campaigns with B2B SaaS companies for a while now, and I believe we've found the optimal layout for a Free Demo / Free Trial form. After all, what's the point in testing various layouts wasting months and money when you can just get handed the cheat code. If you want to watch the full video explaining everything + the psychology behind why can be found...
John Stewart
John Stewart
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The Journey From Failing Marketing To 🚀 Growth [5 Simple Steps]

I recently posted this to LinkedIn, and it was moderately well-received, so I wanted to share it here. These are 5 points I implemented in my own business (not SaaS), but we have since rolled out for B2B SaaS clients and it has worked for them too. If you have anything to add (things you've found yourself through testing or have learned elsewhere), please feel free to share. Would love to...
John Stewart
John Stewart
started a discussion

🙄 It Wouldn't Work When Dating. But INSIST On Using It For Marketing 👍🏼

Hey all, this is another post I put out on LinkedIn about a week ago which people found interesting. Essentially it's creating similarities between dating faux pas. Things you wouldn't do (well... some of you might 😬) but seem to be standard practice for poor marketing. Again, fairly simple points but trust me when I say they are INSANELY common. 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ IT'S ALL ABOUT ME Someone approaches...