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Richard Rubenstein
Imagine a platform that leverages cutting-edge AI to automate, analyze, and optimize your PPC campaigns! Say goodbye to manual adjustments and hello to intelligent automation that maximizes your ROI and minimizes your effort.
AI-Driven Ad Optimization: Boost ROI, Save Time
Richard Rubenstein
Richard Rubenstein
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Old but ye, its about time we can DM each other
Nihal Kothiyal
What do you think about DMs in Product Hunt?
Nihal Kothiyal
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Richard Rubenstein
The premier marketplace for Microsoft Loop templates designed to enhance your productivity and creativity. Whether you're a business professional, an enterprise team, or a personal user, our templates will transform the way you use Microsoft Loop.
Loop Market
Loop Market
The Microsoft Loop Template Marketplace
Richard Rubenstein
Imagine a space where creativity runs wild and imagination knows no limits – that's DreamCanvas, where your friends and family become the heroes of their own epic tales. Upload their faces then weave their personalities into immersive, one-of-a-kind stories.
Turn friends & Family into Comic Book Adventures
Richard Rubenstein
Richard Rubenstein
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Its launch day fam!

I'm thrilled to share that we've launched an AI-powered invoicing tool that's going to revolutionize the way you manage your invoices. Say goodbye to manual data entry and late payments – our tool automates the entire invoicing process, saving you valuable time and ensuring accuracy. We are offering all sign-ups this week, free lifetime...
Richard Rubenstein
PayGenie, our AI invoicing tool automates invoice creation and management, saving you time and reducing errors. Simply tell the AI what you need and as if by magic, it handles the rest.
AI-powered Invoice automation with effortless voice commands
Richard Rubenstein
Richard Rubenstein
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Very soon, lets connect!
Aqsa Sajjad
Anyone launching this week, let's connect!
+1 comment
Richard Rubenstein
Richard Rubenstein
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Now thats a good looking list ;)
Mick Essex
2023 Black Friday SaaS Deals from Product Hunt Makers article is live! πŸŽ‰
Richard Rubenstein
Richard Rubenstein
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Log on daily and: Comment Post Add value Connect
Ambrose Williams
What advice do you have for early-stage startups looking to gain visibility on Product Hunt?
Ambrose Williams
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Richard Rubenstein
Richard Rubenstein
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Nice work, good dedication!
Darya Antonyuk
Finally reached 30! πŸ’₯ What's your streak?
Darya Antonyuk
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Richard Rubenstein
Richard Rubenstein
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Hmm, what is this black magic ;)
Have you ever tried the Comment Prompt for your PH launch?
Michele Pomposo
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Richard Rubenstein
Richard Rubenstein
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Its about creating your 1000 first true fans! Give value, help, feedback and be that person people keep front-of-mind.
Zana Jackson
How can you engage with your community or potential users before your product goes live?