Rick GEE

Rick GEE

I am a Seo Guy With Simple Knowledge
29 points
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Rick GEE
Rick GEE
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How Will You Market this SaaS if this is Yours?

Launched Recently (https://jobjotai.com/) JobJot is a free resume analyzer tool that uses AI to help users improve their resumes and cover letters. It highlights that JobJot can help users beat Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) used by many employers. JobJot offers free analysis of a user’s resume and provides feedback on strengths and weaknesses. My Question is From You Guys How Will Market...
Rick GEE
Rick GEE
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Should I run ColdEmails For My Tool?

As I tried Anything on My tool I changed the landing page Offering So many features in a cheap price but still, my tool is not working Now I am looking to run a cold email campaign For My Tool I am new at cold emails How can i run campaigns Will they benefit me https://localy.ai/
Rick GEE
Rick GEE
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Why Do You Like Prodcuthunt?

Rick GEE
Rick GEE
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What are Your Plans On Sunday?

Rick GEE
Rick GEE
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Weekend is Coming Your Plan?

Rick GEE
Rick GEE
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Lindsay Davis
What app do you use the most during the day?
Lindsay Davis
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Rick GEE
Rick GEE
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So Weekend Plans?

Rick GEE
Rick GEE
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Your Longest streak?

Rick GEE
Rick GEE
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Why Should I buy Your Product?