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    Fredrik Björk
    Federated Graphs allow composing multiple, independently deployed GraphQL APIs into a single schema. This feature significantly enhances the scalability and flexibility of GraphQL architectures.
    Federated Graphs
    Federated Graphs
    Compose multiple GraphQL APIs into a single federated graph
    Fredrik Björk
    The MongoDB connector will instantly transform any collections configured into a fully functional GraphQL API with comprehensive query and mutation capabilities.
    Grafbase MongoDB Connector
    Grafbase MongoDB Connector
    Instant GraphQL APIs for MongoDB at the edge
    Fredrik Björk
    Fredrik Björk
    left a comment
    Love it. Passkey auth with top notch DX makes so much sense!
    Hanko Cloud (Beta)
    Authentication and user management for the passkey era
    +1 comment
    Fredrik Björk
    Combine your APIs and Databases into a single GraphQL endpoint at the edge. Easily configure auth, permissions, realtime queries, serverless search, edge caching, and more. Focus on shipping products instead of building infrastructure.
    Unify the data layer with GraphQL