John Stephen Aïmond Banson

John Stephen Aïmond Banson

Striving for disruptive innovation.
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John Stephen Aïmond Banson
DSC helps designers and teams organize and maintain design systems, streamline workflows, and update documentation while sticking to good design practices.
Build, scale, and manage your design systems
John Stephen Aïmond Banson
Syio is a small startup that helps other tech startups as they innovate and lead the impact shaping the world. design-as-a-service, DaaS
Syio Labs
Syio Labs
We help lean startups innovate.
John Stephen Aïmond Banson
John Stephen Aïmond Banson
started a discussion

Is a Product Strategy Always Neccessary?

Do you always need a product strategy before you start? Not really. You need a vision and a definite set of objectives to guide you, but I think it's more important to get started than to plan extensively. Why? well... When you're just starting, with no budget, no experience, no users, and nothing to lose, strategy is, in fact, a luxury. What the hell are you strategizing for? Your startup...
John Stephen Aïmond Banson
Just a quick fun project to waste the weekend.
BSOD - Blue Screen of Death Screensaver
BSOD - Blue Screen of Death Screensaver
One software malfunction can bring down critical systems
John Stephen Aïmond Banson
A few lines of code in software updates could affect millions worldwide. Code responsibly or you could be responsible for the next biggest IT outage in history. (Just a fun project. Don't take it seriously)
BSOD - Blue Screen of Death Screensaver
BSOD - Blue Screen of Death Screensaver
One software malfunction can bring down critical systems
John Stephen Aïmond Banson
John Stephen Aïmond Banson
started a discussion

Iterate faster than you gain users

You can indeed have a great product experience but a poor service experience. I don't recommend that, but it happens, right? But in areas like business and banking software, where trust and brand are key influencers on why people bring their money to you, you can't afford to "fake it until you make it" for a long time. You must design, iterate, scale, and improve your product and service faster...
John Stephen Aïmond Banson
Congrats on the launch!👍🏽🌟🌟
Lawformer AI
Lawformer AI
Turn your document databases into AI powered libraries
John Stephen Aïmond Banson
John Stephen Aïmond Banson
started a discussion

YIN 2023 (Year in a Nutshell)

This year was positive for startups, with new ideas popping up almost every day on ProductHunt and IndieHackers. AI made this happen at a very fast rate. This is another reminder of what we can do when we adapt to the times instead of fighting back. Like with every batch of digital products, some were awesome, others were great, others were good, and the rest are getting started. But...
John Stephen Aïmond Banson
John Stephen Aïmond Banson
started a discussion

Why Human-Centered Design is a Must For Startups

Users are more than just statistics and wallets; they're humans with diverse behaviors and psychology, and their needs and preferences can and will change with the slightest update in personal, social, moral, or ethnic values. The problem with big solutions, however, is they tend to overlook these small problems. They sacrifice sometimes very crucial user needs to expand use cases and...
John Stephen Aïmond Banson
John Stephen Aïmond Banson
started a discussion

Building The Next Wave of Innovative Indie Products

In the last two years, I've seen many products come and go in waves, some great, some awesome, and others, well... can be better. With so many small products released every day, I think it's essential, now more than ever, that as product makers, we aim to design and build toward innovation; to make holistic products that truly connect; to align business goals and user needs to build startups...
John Stephen Aïmond Banson
Congrats on launching hireBrain! All the best.👍👍
Where AI meets tech talent and HR/Recruitment
John Stephen Aïmond Banson
Substack is a good option.
What platform do you suggest for building a newsletter?
John Stephen Aïmond Banson
Other than Product Hunt, it's Twitter and Indie Hackers.
Shailja dwivedi
What are some of the best communities to share your digital products with?
Shailja dwivedi
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