Nikita Gupta

What's the biggest lesson you have learnt this year?

Let's help each other.

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John Stephen Aïmond Banson
To not give up.
Gladys Atienza
Always show your family members you love them :)
Anjali Chadha
To be your authentic self!
Raju Sivaram
keep building
Sanuj Bansal
There is not much difference between induced positivity and natural positivity. At the end you benefit from it. So, be positive
Skills will definitely take someplace. Having a Network would speed up your success and level up where you want to go. 👆 Even if you're not that skillful but you have the right established network, you can be financiallu successful!
Rhymer Espinosa
Saying no won't make you less of a person. It takes a while to eliminate or at least minimize the feeling of guilt, but I have to prioritize myself, because how could I help people in distress if I, myself, am in a quagmire?
Shon Paunan
The biggest lesson I've learned (since pandemic), is that no matter how much money you earn,get and give, time is still the best one you can give yourself and others.