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Angel Gutiérrez Pizarro
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Growth hacking the boat rental industry using stickers.
1O upvotes, ig you want to hear how this was done and what happened.
What is one amazing thing you’ve done?
Magdalena Tran
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Angel Gutiérrez Pizarro
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As creative creating a digital in order to help creatives be more creative.
Still to date creatives need to have ideas in a very artisanal way.
What is one amazing thing you’ve done?
Magdalena Tran
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Angel Gutiérrez Pizarro
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What, do you think about the creative and content economy? Is there something missing there tech-wise?
I'm Alex MacCaw, founder of Clearbit and Reflect, ask me anything. 🔥
Alex MacCaw
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Angel Gutiérrez Pizarro
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I can see all agree that the most important thing in startup marketing is understanding de our client.
Here are my recommendation in order to accomplish that:
- Do lots of user testing and interviews
- Read: THE MOM TEST this book is key to learning how to ask the correct question and find the truth. Startup founders and very good at lying to themselves and believing our lies.
-Create a...
StartupMarketing is different from normal Marketing?
Angel Gutiérrez Pizarro
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Angel Gutiérrez Pizarro
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The fure of AI is:
Your explaination + AI = Product /feature / web / app
What ever you can imagine will be done by A.i
What do you think the future of A.I is?
Aaron O'Leary
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Angel Gutiérrez Pizarro
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I think A.I will end u developing some of the most powerful tools. This meaning it will help humans to perform at their best levels.
Reduce the huge technical frictions that exist today.
What do you think the future of A.I is?
Aaron O'Leary
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Angel Gutiérrez Pizarro
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Congratulation on your launch! Definitely will check it out and share it with other founders!
Catch beautiful sights, finish your work before sunset

Angel Gutiérrez Pizarro
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Catalyst creativity:
Catalyst is a digital tool created to accelerate and enrich your inspiration and investigation process.
They bring together a universe of concepts and creative stimuli through technology, AI, and lateral thinking techniques where you are in control. In a few clicks, you will access thousands of sources, perspectives and references that will help you unlock any creative...
What is the newest tool that excites you?
Ayşegül Çorok
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Angel Gutiérrez Pizarro
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What is one thing you can't live without when working from home? Apart from your laptop, of course!
Gizem Nur Keskin
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Angel Gutiérrez Pizarro
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I'm good with consistency.
Some days I´m at my 100% being super productive. Other I'm at my 50% or 30%, not super productive.
But I show up every day, at that is consistency and the power of the compound effect.
Don't put pressure on yourself, due to not being 100% one or two days, the most important thing is that you are showing up.
Are you a self-motivated person, or do you procrastinate?
Zekiye Nur Kesici
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Angel Gutiérrez Pizarro
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Measure everything.
Have your hypothesis very clear and your KPI that will measure that hypothesis well-tracked.
Launching in 2 days, what are some last-minute tips you can give?
Elif Duran
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Angel Gutiérrez Pizarro
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I think that in some careers, especially business-related, higher education as it is known today will not last long.
But higher education still has a key role in our society and there are careers where it will always be there, it will iterate, but it will be there. Careers related to science, medicine, etc You don´t want self-made doctor, don't you?
Like it always happens nothing is white or...
What do you think about higher education, is it necessary these days?
Natallia Shakhmetava
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Angel Gutiérrez Pizarro
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Validate one hypothesis at a time.
Will make everything easier, and move faster.
Real data, better decisions, no extra noise.
Give storytelling.
Compare KPI's fast.
What one thing do you wish you knew before you launched?

Angel Gutiérrez Pizarro
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Don't overcomplicate things.
Validate one hypothesis at a time.
Lean Lean Lean.
Brand (conceptually and visually) matters.
Creativity in all the verticals is our secret weapon.
What's one piece of advice you'd give your younger self at the start of your career?
Gizem Nur Keskin
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Angel Gutiérrez Pizarro
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Love it! I would add an validation/optimisation part in startups each euro es vital, so we need to try to learn and fail as cheap as possible. Thanks for sharing!
Go-To-Market Strategy for Indie Startups. With it, we successfully launched 4 products 🚀
Sveta Bay
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Angel Gutiérrez Pizarro
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Our goals for this month are:
Product - Unify our technologies (algorithms, back-end, front-end, and database.
Communications - Adapt our landing to mobile and finish the animated mock-up.
Find people that re also doing Saas, so we can cry together. 😂
What are your goals for the month?
Elif Duran
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Angel Gutiérrez Pizarro
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I would say and // Copy Ai to save lots of time generating blog post, its not perfect but you can work on top of them, and lots of interesting things come up. // Catalyst to help come up with ideas for the blogpost, content and campaigns I need to do.
Hope its helpful :)
What's a new tech product that has changed how you work?
Aaron O'Leary
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