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  • Best Pomodoro apps 2023: Keep focused and boost productivity

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    May 10th, 2023
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    Easily distracted? This guide to the best Pomodoro apps can help put you back on track.
    Life can get pretty busy so having an effective method on hand to manage your time can help improve concentration and help you focus on tasks without interference. The Pomodoro Technique is based on a time management concept created in the 1980s, but embraced by modern-day app developers, that breaks time down into manageable chunks in order to combat procrastination.
    By using an app or a task management system featuring Pomodoro-style functionality, you can use a timer to set brief intervals of work and rest, with the ultimate goal being to be more productive overall. Whether you already use productivity apps and are looking to embrace a new way to manage your time or have a keen interest in self-care apps designed to prioritize your well-being, a Pomodoro app could be your next favorite thing.

    What is the Pomodoro Technique?

    Devised by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s, the Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that looks to increase productivity and reduce distractions by breaking work into manageable chunks of time.
    It uses 25-minute intervals, known as Pomodoros, separated by short breaks of 5 minutes. After completing four Pomodoros, a longer break of 15-30 minutes is taken, although some modern apps allow you to customize your intervals. The idea is by breaking work into manageable intervals, the Pomodoro Technique can help combat procrastination and reduce burnout.
    Fun fact: the technique is named after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer that Cirillo used to time his work intervals when he first developed the method.

    Best Pomodoro apps 2023

    1. Tomato 2

    Best Pomodoro app for Mac

    Tomato 2
    Tomato 2
    Pros: Easy to use, minimalistic design, customizable settings, different modes
    Cons: Need to adjust settings for some features
    Key features: Goal tracking, dark mode, silent mode, website blocking, stats
    Cost: Free to download, $7.99 for Pro
    If you’re looking for a simple yet highly effective app for increasing your personal productivity over on Mac then Tomato 2 could be exactly what you need. This minimalistic Pomodoro timer features a non-fussy, elegant design but it’s packed with some great features that still makes it a pretty powerful application.
    In the zone and don't want to be interrupted once your session ends? Choose silent mode. Prefer dark mode to light? Tomato 2 is so clever that it can follow your system’s settings. Just be sure to check the app’s settings for a few additional tweaks that can be made as the interface is so simple, it’s easy to miss a few of the essentials hidden away.
    Read Tomato 2 reviews from our community

    2. Focus Mode by Geekbot

    Best Pomodoro Slack integration

    Pros: Easy to use and add, great concept
    Cons: Adding yet another integration might feel like a downside if your Slack already feels busy
    Key features: Focus mode time, break time
    Cost: Free
    Slack. It’s one of the best workplace collaboration tools around but things can get rather busy. That’s where adding Geekbot’s Focus Mode in can really make all the difference. This handy Slack integration allows you to focus on important tasks without any distractions from your working environment as all notifications automatically turn off in the time period you choose. All you have to do is add Geekbot to your Slack, set what task you're working on and enter your preferred focus and break mode times. Easy!
    Read Focus Mode by Geekbot reviews from our community

    3. Forest

    Best for feel-good factor

    Pros: Fun concept, easy to use, has the feel-good factor
    Cons: Tree can ‘die’ when a notification is received or if your screen locks, Not for those who prefer a simpler Pomodoro interface
    Key features: Multiple timer modes, detailed stats, ability to visualize your forest
    Cost: $3.99
    We’re all guilty of spending a bit too much time on our phones; the Forest app uses gamification to help its users stay focused by reimagining the Pomodoro technique in a completely different light but with a very simple concept at its heart.
    When you start a Pomodoro session, you plant a virtual tree, which grows as you work. If you exit the app before the session is complete, your tree dies. Over time, you build a virtual forest as a visual representation of your productivity, and your efforts can go some way to growing real trees in Africa. It’s a fun concept with a great feel-good message. Not to mention, a super-affordable way to give back to the planet.
    Read Forest app reviews from our community

    4. Trello and Pomello

    Best Pomodoro integration for task management tools

    Pros: Free, easy to add, no sign ups
    Cons: Requires Trello
    Key features: Adds Pomodoro timer functionality to Cards
    Cost: Free
    Need a task management app that can pair with a Pomodoro timer? One of the key advantages of choosing Trello as your project management tool is it features a handy way to integrate external developer tools into your calendar called Power-Ups. Simply select ‘Pomello’ from the Power-Up menu to activate the timer on a Trello Card so you can have both a task management system and a Pomodoro timer to focus on your tasks in a productive way.
    Trello is a particularly useful tool for both individual and small team use (see our article on Asana vs Trello if you’ve been weighing up which one is right for your needs) so if you’re someone who’s looking to organize your own individual space and focus on your own tasks, this could be an ideal set-up to choose.
    Read Trello reviews from our community

    5. MPeaceful

    Best Pomodoro app for students

    Pros: Calming interface, uses music to create a peaceful work environment, customizable
    Cons: Web application only, Not for those who prefer simpler design
    Key features: Different timer modes, customizable backgrounds, music integration
    Cost: Free
    MPeaceful is a simply wonderful Pomodoro app that combines a timer with a bit of self-care app functionality. Its use of tranquil music and landscape backgrounds including sunsets and peaceful mountain imagery, that can all be customized in the settings, creates an atmosphere that not only helps you focus, but reduces stress at the same time.
    Not to mention the ability to set different timer modes to suit you. It’s an ideal study companion app for students, but equally, whether you’re a freelancer or a remote worker, you’re sure to find something here to love.

    6. Focus-to-Do

    Best Pomodoro app with task management functionality

    Pros: Sleek design, available for a wide variety of platforms, can be used in a variety of ways
    Cons: Can get busy with so many features available
    Key features: Timer, pause and resume, notifications, task management (scheduler, organizer, habit tracker, time tracker)
    Cost: Free to download, $11.99 for lifetime use / $3.99 for 3 months
    Focus To-Do is an easy-to-use time and task management application that helps you to manage your tasks anytime, anywhere. We mean, anywhere, as it’s available on multiple platforms including Android, iOS and even as a Chrome extension, plus you can synchronize between your devices.
    What makes Focus-to-Do so convenient is the incredible amount of features it’s got. If you’re looking to combine a Pomodoro timer with all the benefits of a task management system you can choose to embrace Kanban and create tasks and subtasks, record shopping lists or even set birthday reminders making it a highly-versatile app for all aspects of life. Focus To-do’s analytics can even tell you which tasks are taking up the most of your time.
    Read Focus-to-Do reviews from our community

    7. Doropomo

    Best Pomodoro app for setting work/life balance

    Pros: Unique concept, simple to use, easy to access
    Cons: Limited functionality
    Key features: Timers, Auto-start
    Cost: Free
    Doropomo turns the concept of Pomodoro on its head by having a 25 minute break followed by 5 minutes of work, as an entirely different approach to the popular time management method.
    It’s a simple concept here: there’s three timers you can use to set your intervals to ‘rest’, ‘work’ and ‘work hard,’ as well as ‘long work intervals,’ and an auto-start feature once you’ve found your groove. Super simple and easy to access via the Doropomo product page. This works well for basic timer set up, but if you’re looking for more functionality such as task management or other modes it might be worth exploring other options. The concept is entirely fantastic, however.
    Read Doropomo reviews from our community

    Which Pomodoro app is best for you?

    Choosing the best Pomodoro app for you really comes down to how you intend to use the tech. We’ve organized this list by common uses so you can get a sense of how each one will work for you.
    If you’re someone who’s looking to organize your personal and your work life, Focus To-Do has an incredible amount of features, while adding Pomello to Trello is ideal for arranging your work life. Speaking of organizing your work life, if you want to create a relaxing or distraction-free environment, MPeaceful and Focus Mode by Geekbot might just be permanent additions to add to your work toolkit.

    What makes a great Pomodoro app?

    Concept - How unique is the idea and does it solve a common time management problem?
    Ease of use - I looked for simplicity of use and how easy the app is to access
    Design and UI - A great interface is more than just good looks, how does it work with the app’s intended functionality?
    Features - A Pomodoro app should give you plenty of flexibility over your time management. Any extra organizational features are a bonus.

    How we tested the Pomodoro apps

    As Product Hunt is a launch pad for a huge number of Pomodoro apps, I carried out a quick search for the most popular and highly rated apps on the platform. From there I compiled a shortlist of the very best to download.
    I looked for ease of use, great features and functionality during testing, and thought about how each app could solve common time management problems we all face in our daily lives.
    Comments (17)
    zetisonapi xerian
    By using a 25-minute break followed by 5 minutes of labor as an paper io altogether new approach to the well-known time management technique, Doropomo flips the idea of Pomodoro on its head.
    Svitlana Palamarchuk
    I like the concept of Forest – the idea of visualizing my productivity as a growing tree is appealing and I love the environmental aspect. Also, MPeaceful seems like a great fit for my need for a calm, relaxing workspace. I appreciate the effort that went into researching and testing these apps.
    Justin Bassett-Green
    honestly I ended up going old school and bought two hourglass sand timers for it
    Jack Ho
    We wanted to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your support as we introduce our brand new app, the Pomodoro App from MPeaceful. We are thrilled to have you here with us today as we embark on this exciting journey together. This app is designed to help you optimize your productivity, enhance your focus, and find a sense of tranquility in your daily tasks. Our aim is to provide a tool that not only helps you manage your time effectively but also promotes a healthy work-life balance. We believe that finding harmony in our busy lives is essential, and we sincerely hope that the Peaceful Pomodoro app can serve as a gateway to a more balanced and fulfilling existence. It is through your support and active participation that we can continue to refine and improve this application, making it an even greater asset for our community. Thank you once again for your trust, enthusiasm, and belief in what we are creating. We are deeply grateful for your presence, and we can't wait to hear about your experiences with the Peaceful Pomodoro app. https://www.pomodoro.mpeaceful.com/
    loinse bekean
    By breaking work into manageable time blocks and incorporating regular breaks, the Pomodoro Technique aims to enhance wordle productivity, maintain focus, and prevent burnout. It can be particularly helpful for tasks that require intense concentration or when facing a tendency to procrastinate.