I usually take my supplements in the morning and some days I've just got too much going on to keep up with my routine. I also have to travel a lot for work, sometimes for a week or two at a time and the packets really simplified my life and made it possible to be healthy and feel good while on the go. It's also easy for me to stick a few in my gym bag or car on an as needed basis.
I have been looking for an amazing on the go superfood supplement... and then I found Yourlixir! It tastes amazing, it's super discreet for bringing it on the go and my kids love it too. Thank you for making my family happy and healthy!!
I got my girlfriend hooked on the maca powder, and I love the activated charcoal (I use it for everything). It keep us clear and feeling great.
About a year ago I was in a serious car acident that completely changed my life. My health and wellness was drastically effected. Because the injury was to my spine, my fitness routined became non existant. I’ve had to look at exercise fitness completely different. For the firs time in my life I’ve had to base my wellness soley on my diet. Over the past 6months I’ve been doing a lot of research about the best products to help me get healthy again. I found @Yourlixir as perfect dose of ingredients for my wellbeing. I’m very excited to have found this product because it fits perfect with my on the go lifestyle! Thank you guys for putting together such a well balanced product. Good luck girls
I take my health seriously. With Yourlixir I can prioritize the other areas of my life because I don’t have to worry about how/where I’ll get my superfoods in. It’s a no brainer if you already know the importance of these superfoods and how they maximize your potential and health. I highly recommend them to everyone. Great job ladies!