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  • Yorba

    Reduce your digital footprint one step at a time
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    What do people think of Yorba?

    The community submitted 3 reviews to tell us what they like about Yorba, what Yorba can do better, and more.
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    4.7/5All time (3 reviews)
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    3 Reviews
    Json M
    Json M


    1 review
    Having spent some time using this product after the launch, I'm impressed with how Yorba provides a concise, secure & insightful experience to regain control of your accounts & inboxes. Yorba's philosophy on user data is what sold me to initially try it out, as I'm one of the many operating with several bloated inboxes, newsletters & streaming subscriptions, and existing on countless mail lists from every account I've ever been forced to create (just to access a single resource and never return). After going through the setup, I was stunned by the number of accounts I had out there and how easy it was to unsubscribe from the Yorba app. I would add one suggestion however, it would be great to be able to multi-select accounts for unsubscribing (if it doesn't require the user to navigate to the site and provide feedback, etc). Beyond that, this is a truly standout product and I'm looking forward to its continued growth!
    Mari L
    Thank you for giving Yorba a go and taking the time to write thoughtful feedback! We are working on enabling the deletion of multiple accounts and hope you find this feature and other updates useful. In the meantime, please feel free to drop us a line if you have any questions or further suggestions. Your feedback is our inspiration!
    Delaney Gibbons
    1 review
    Slowly cleaning up my digital life and this is a game changer. SO helpful!
    Prabin Maharjan
    1 review
    Very useful and easy to track and delete our online accounts.