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    Wois: World of Inspirational Speakers
    Wois has evolved and now includes global and personal libraries, offering real human insights linked to original public sources. Whether searching for answers or sharing own insights, Wois is here to make authentic wisdom accessible to everyone.
    Farooq (SF Ali) Zafar
    Ryan Hoover
    Wois: World of Inspirational Speakers

    Wois: World of Inspirational Speakers

    Global library of authentic human insights
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    What do people think of Wois: World of Inspirational Speakers?

    The community submitted 39 reviews to tell us what they like about Wois: World of Inspirational Speakers, what Wois: World of Inspirational Speakers can do better, and more.
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    39 Reviews
    Ajinkya Bhat | Notion X Startups
    Maker of the #1 Startup System on PH!👇
    17 reviews
    Damn I love that promo video! Hooked throughout, wonderful story and at one point I was instantly like " oh this is me". I think you've nailed your user personas and the product offering! Congrats on the launch!
    Sergei Verbitski
    Thank you so much, @ajinkya_bhat! That is just a start…
    It's really awesome, I love the idea behind it and the team who built it. I am sure this product will scale and go beyond imagination.
    Aceel Kibbi
    Thanks for believing in our product and being part of this journey!
    Alexander Dolton
    Employee benefits specialist
    2 reviews
    As someone who values privacy, the option to keep recordings private is a big win for me. Congratulations on creating a safe and open space for users.
    Slava Nikitenko
    Creator Your Price Booking
    44 reviews
    Have you created a social network for professionals or an application for creating video content? or both? Congats with launching!
    Aceel Kibbi
    Slava, great question! Wois is an all-in-one social platform and creative tool. In these modern times, you have to get creative when it comes to networking. We believe that building your own "personal brand" online helps you stand out from the crowd and network like a pro. So by recording video content on our platform and engaging in discussions with other users, not only are you networking on Wois, but you're also getting access to our content production feature that offers you social media content (derived from you videos) which can be shared on any platform. You can use this content to build your personal brand AND boost your networking as well. You get the best of both worlds!
    Daniel Gasser

    Content at Daniel G - Coaching For Men

    1 review
    In one sentence? TikTok for grownups. It's a great and easy-to-use app where we can easily record our videos, generate posts from them for our other platforms and even download them to use them elsewhere. We can create our own topics but we're also being proposed with a ton of topics according to our profile and content, so it's amazing to not even have to come up with new content, we can simply answer existing ones. Also, we can invite others to give us their point of views. Conclusion. A great place to be and IMHO, the next big thing on the web
    Aceel Kibbi
    Appreciate the generous review, Daniel! Your enthusiasm towards Wois adds more fuel to our fire, and we're so excited for what's to come. Thanks for being part of our journey!
    This is very powerful. Thank you for all your hard work
    Sergei Verbitski
    Thank you, Alexei! We really hope it will be helpful for people like us.
    Ilya Kulbachny
    1 review
    Amazing app! I use Wois every day. It really help in content creating and listening to interesting people there
    Rajtilak Bhattacharjee

    Data & Analytics

    50 reviews
    This is nice! This is different! This is unique! Everyone should try this once. I surely would. Any plans on extending it to desktop format? That would be amazing actually! Congratulations on the launch team!
    Aceel Kibbi
    Appreciate your enthusiasm! And yes, we're definitely planning to extend Wois to a desktop format in the near future. Stay tuned!
    Igor Nabebin
    Senior Software Engineer
    1 review
    Congratulations to Wois on their Product Hunt launch! Wois is like the TikTok of the professional world, promising to reshape how we share knowledge and connect. Well done, Wois team!
    Aceel Kibbi
    Well said, we couldn't agree more. 😉 Thanks for the support!
    Paul Navolochko
    2 reviews
    Great idea! It's a quite common problem - people are scared of public speaking, and even if you have thoughts to share you rather skip this option. Looks like Wois might help to break this pattern. And doubling here is not a part of just fun but helping to build a network in a completely different way.
    Sergei Verbitski
    Paul, please join the community! The biggest challenge for projects like Wois is to get through early stage and acquire as many like-minded people like you as possible! Thank you for your support.