Waldo Testing

Waldo Testing

The developer tool to speed up testing your mobile app, and squash bugs as a team!
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What is Waldo Testing?
Waldo allows mobile developers, designers, and product managers to record and monitor user flows. It tests those flows with every new build and reveals any UX differences. Waldo works with Android and iOS (but this submission is specifically for the Android beta).
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Recent launches

Waldo Sessions
Waldo Sessions is the missing collaborative tool for mobile teams:⁣    

🏃‍♀️ Run your pre-release build on any device right from the browser⁣    

🕵️ Inspect and annotate in context⁣    

🔗 Share the replay link with anyone on your team

Waldo Sessions image
Pipeline Gatekeeper
Waldo’s Pipeline Gatekeeper enables mobile teams to integrate continuous end-to-end testing into PRs. Engineers now get test feedback during development to catch and fix bugs earlier and faster.
Pipeline Gatekeeper image
6 more launches