A modern color scheme for VS Code: - Inspired by IntelliJ IDEs default Darcula theme. - An eye-catching color-combination: 🟢🟡🟠🟣. - Complete syntax highlighting support for Dart/Flutter, as well as HTML/CSS/JS.
A carefully concocted dark theme made of subtle blues and bright hues that’s easy on the eyes for focused coding. More detailes here. Installation—search for ”Code Blue” from your VSCode Extensions. Reload and select from theme list. Try it out, I’d love to hear some feedback! Let me know if there are any bugs or if something can be made better.
Ever bored of your VSCode theme? Then create your own VSCode theme with VSLook. You can use Tailwind and Material colors or create your own colors too.
Run the latest VS Code on a remote machine accessed through a modern web browser - from any device, from anywhere. The open-source project is officially backed by GitLab, VMware, Uber, SAP, RStudio, Sourcegraph and many others.
Get started: 🎉 Installation—search for ”Lunar Theme” in the VSCode Extensions Search. Then, reload: Ctrl + Shift + P > Preferences: Color Theme > Lunar
This theme was actually inspired by the looks of my portfolio at https://bit.ly/husseinkizz-portifolio and it can really make your vscode look cool! ✌️
UPDATE - 9/21/2020: Paper Workspace is now called Crucial Human Workspace. This is purely branding. No functionality or ownership change. Project and task management, notes, wikis, files, chat, video calling, collaboration, and more - all in one place.
Deepdark Material is a black on black color theme inspired by Material design colors and with full support for languages like PHP, HTML and JavaScript.
Discover hex color codes for your favorite professional sports teams, copy them for use in your designs. Both website and chrome extension (free/paid) available.