Water is a beautiful & easy to use app which keeps track of your water intake. Share your wake up and sleep time, daily goal and average drink size. Water will remind you at regular intervals to ensure you reach your daily hydration goal. Share your daily wins with friends and inspire a few more!
Plant Nanny² keeps track of how much water you drink -- each glass also waters the app’s plants so you both can thrive! Every day you can collect and take care of little plants to get hydrated and grow together!
We may not think of it, but water can have a large impact on our overall and day-to-day health. As I’m sure you may know, it is important to hydrate regularly in order to preserve adequate mental and physical functions.
In our day-to day life, drinking water regularly can be challenging, despite its numerous health benefits. This water tracker app makes it easier to stay hydrated. It may even help you lose weight and prevent certain illnesses.