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What do people think of Upflowy?

The community submitted 264 reviews to tell us what they like about Upflowy, what Upflowy can do better, and more.
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264 Reviews


1 review
Awesome product. Great for customer acquisition flows
Dushyant Dhingra
Software designer
1 review
Upflowy solves a key problem related to the primary purpose of our website - converting visitors to leads! Despite the importance of lead generation, getting useful data and making optimisation decisions is really hard. Google Analytics gives us broad website data, which is easy to be distracted by. Upflowy gets straight to the point, is easy to interpret, and then take actionable steps. The team is awesome - always available and going above and beyond to get you the right configuration based on your needs.
Don Uto
Don Uto
Learning all through.
30 reviews
Being able to showcase my work has been an incredible help in keeping customers engaged. The level of form customization means I can keep the sales message in mind while people are considering booking with me, and the flow can embed a booking link into it, people never leave the flow!
Software Engineering
1 review
Great Product. Ideal for optimizing customer acquisition processes.
Patrick Eggen
Counterpart Ventures, GP and co-founder
1 review
Super helpful to get me smart on likely conversion of sales leads. Really good at isolating quality leads from all the noise.
adekunle amos


2 reviews
They're the best, and i mean it
Alexey Shashkov

Product Manager at Tochka

52 reviews
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Review of Upflowy
I like your nice UI and simple onboarding. Great job. I think your product will have hyper growth very soon! Good job!
Deb Mukherjee

Head of Marketing at Numeral (numeralhq.com)

96 reviews
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Review of Upflowy
This is a great product. When we do start A/B testing, I'd love to use this for Wonderment (https://www.wonderment.com/) Kudos!
Mitchell Orme
🏅 Thankyou 4 supporting Upflowy to #1🏅
2 reviews
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Review of Upflowy
Knowing the value and impact that storytelling makes, to have a tool where people can properly tell their brand story is surely going to increase engagement. I can't wait to see the different ways people use Upflowy!! Say goodbye to boring forms!
Nihal Bhushan
Thank you 4 supporting Upflowy to #1🦸‍♂️
2 reviews
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Review of Upflowy
Very excited about the this especially with how marketers can tailor the flow according to the market/customer needs. It can give companies a solid leg up against some of the big players who can invest in tech like this. I can’t wait to see how the launch goes.