Untitled UI Icons — 1,100+ FREE icons

1,100+ FREE essential Figma icons for modern UI design.
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What do people think of Untitled UI Icons — 1,100+ FREE icons?

The community submitted 38 reviews to tell us what they like about Untitled UI Icons — 1,100+ FREE icons, what Untitled UI Icons — 1,100+ FREE icons can do better, and more.
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4.8/5All time (38 reviews)
Recently (3 reviews)

38 Reviews
Dave Feldman
CEO & Founder, Miter
3 reviews
This looks like a really solid, consistent icon set, which is rare and difficult to achieve especially at this scale! Definitely going to be trying these out in our product (and buying if we find ourselves using them!).
Jordan Hughes
Hi @dfeldman — thanks for checking it out. You just have to click on the link in the PDF which takes you directly to the FREE version. The preview link is a different link to preview the PRO version. I'd really appreciate it if you could change your 4-star rating once you've actually tried the icon library. Thanks
Jordan Hughes
Thanks so much for the kind words Dave 🤗 hope they come in handy

Carl lee Frye

Design at Primitive Prophetic Artistry

40 reviews
trying it out for free.

Explosion Implosion
A 16 year old JavaScript developer
9 reviews
They say free. A buy now button isn't free.
Jordan Hughes
The button next to "buy now" is "free download".

Vinney Dawson
1 review

1 review
Thanks for this!

Chase Hinshaw
1 review
We'll see, but I'm sure its good.

Ulziibat Nansaltsog
WordPress Developer
4 reviews
You are an exceptional individual who consistently produces top-quality products. Your hard work is truly appreciated, and I have no doubt that you will continue to excel in your endeavors. Keep up the amazing work!

Edwin Fernando Garcia Lozano
AWS Educate, Technical Training Manager
1 review
Thanks @jordan__hughes! for helping our academic institution 😍
Jordan Hughes
Happy to help out Edwin!

Amazing!!! The best!!!

janily chen
2 reviews
it is very cool!!!