Uniteable (2017)

Uniteable (2017)

Take your meetings to task!
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Do you use Uniteable (2017)?
What is Uniteable (2017)?
Uniteable connects with Google Calendar allowing you to create meetings from existing calendar events. Collaborate with your team to convert your agenda into a shared set of meeting notes. Make those notes actionable by turning key takeaways into Asana tasks.
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Multilingual Speech-to-Text API with Near-Human Accuracy

Recent launches

Uniteable connects with Google Calendar allowing you to create meetings from existing calendar events. Collaborate with your team to convert your agenda into a shared set of meeting notes. Make those notes actionable by turning key takeaways into Asana tasks.
Uniteable image
Uniteable (2017)
Uniteable connects with Google Calendar allowing you to create meetings from existing calendar events. Collaborate with your team to convert your agenda into a shared set of meeting notes. Make those notes actionable by turning key takeaways into Asana tasks.
Uniteable (2017) image