It is a simple Slack bot allowing you to submit an honest and confidential feedback. Whoever receives a feedback can reply to it without knowing who is the author. The author can reply back anonymously, or decide to reveal his identity.
How well does your website explain your product, service or business? The best way to find out is to let a random stranger try to describe what your business does based on looking at your website for the first time.
And Be Honest is a way to get honest (and sometimes brutal) feedback from your friends. 1. Write a question. 2. Post the link to Facebook. 3. Get anonymous answers to your email.
Spokk is a social platform that you can use to get your ideas, prototypes & creations validated from anyone you want through anonymous opinions. Unlike other tools, it gives you complete control over the anonymous data you receive. People can also build on each other’s opinions to reach an optimal solution. (Hint - Validate your startup or idea)
Receive anonymous feedback as a person, software developer or manager. Share our link or paste it on your email signature to start gathering data anonymously to start growing as a person or professional.
Share feedback anonymously with your team. Learn what others think about you and learn from them how you can improve yourself. Simply invite the Feedback Collector to your next meeting invitation. Every participant of the invitation will be able to provide feedback to everyone via the App.
Spinym is an anonymous social app that lets you to ask your people things you've never dare before in a fast, beautiful and fun way. Just send an Ask, anonymously or openly, wait for the reply and share!