Tula Mic

Tula Mic

Portable USB mic & audio recorder for podcasters & musicians
7 reviews

What is Tula Mic?

The Tula Mic is a studio-quality USB-C microphone and mobile recorder featuring cardioid and omnidirectional capsules, Burr Brown op amps and Klevgrand noise reduction. Compatible with Mac/PC/iOS/Android.

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5/5 based on 7 reviews
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Wajin Sigil
1 review
Very good sound quality! Great that it's compact and I can record where I want without having to get a stand or cables! It's so nice to be able to carry it around in my pocket and record it as soon as I come across a sound I like. The design is attractive and makes this item a joy to have. For me, I think it has enough functions as both a USB microphone and a recorder, but the fact that it is expensive as a handy microphone for podcasting and expensive as a recorder makes it a difficult purchase for those who are looking for something inexpensive and convenient. I wish more musicians would pay attention to this product because it has such high sound quality. It is not expensive for an excellent USB microphone. My concern is the durability of the battery. If the battery is not too expensive to replace or repair, it would be a great item, and I would not hesitate to purchase a new one if it were a little less expensive. I would be very happy if there was a system that would allow repeat customers to purchase at a slightly lower price. 私は日本人なので日本語でも書いておくと、これは本当に音質の素晴らしいUSBマイク兼レコーダーです。 マイクとしてだけでもこのクラスの価格の製品と同等かそれ以上ですが、さらにレコーダーとしても使えるのが素晴らしい! いつでもどこでも、これを持ち歩くだけで高音質で自分の歌や演奏やその場の環境音を収録出来るので、かなり創作意欲を掻き立てられるアイテム。 私は3万から10万円クラスのコンデンサーマイクを主に使用していますが、それらと引けを取らない音質なので、単なるマイクとしても決して高額なものではないと思います。 心配なのはバッテリーの耐久性で、これはしばらく使ってみないとなんとも言えません。 修理が安いか買い替えが安いかというサポートがあると、手を出しやすいですよね。 見た目可愛くてお洒落だし、色も選べるし、マイクとしても単一指向性と無指向性選べるしノイズリダクション機能まで付いていて宅録ミュージシャンの味方! ポータブルレコーダーと考えてしまうと高額、USBマイクとしてはもっと安価なものがあれこれあるって考えると手を出しにくいだろうなと思います。 上質なコンデンサーマイクで、オーディオインターフェイスもXLRケーブルもいらず、その場にPCやスマホやiPadがなくてもレコーディング出来ると考えたらお買い得ですよ!
Matt Eddy
1 review
Hi -- I'm a film/TV producer and songwriter. And I love the TULA. For anyone thinking of purchasing, here's a copy of the review I wrote for Amazon... Full disclosure -- I bought my mic directly from the Tula website to take advantage of a promotion. But I'm a huge Amazon-aholic, so I wanted to leave a review here too. I'm not usually a big "leave-a-review" kind of guy, but the Tula's one-two punch of rock solid audio quality and really throughtful features made it a game changer for me. I initially bought it for field recording. I'm a songwriter/music producer, and I wanted something that could capture song ideas out in the world... strumming a guitar in my living room, jamming with friends, even singing in my car. The Tule rules at this. I turn it on, hit record, then later plug it into my Mac and copy the sound files over. The quality is so good that I've actually dropped some vocal and acoustic guitar tracks into Logic Pro and used them in final mixes. I haven't tried the noise reduction features yet, but these seem really ace as well. ONE CAVEAT: it doesn't really handle SUPER loud sounds (eg, a rock band rehearsing at full volume). Then, because the Tula was already plugged into my computer, I tried it on a Zoom call. Which was also easy (I just selected "Tula Microphone" from the Audio Input in the Zoom Preferences window, with a Bluetooth earbud as my Audio Output to allow for duplexing). And it totally elevated my Zoom game, a huge leap in naturalness and clarity. People complimented how good I sounded. So now I use the Tula for all my direct-to-computer podcasting/VO/Zoom stuff, AND field recording. It does all these things so much better than my old systems. And it's tiny, and great looking, and well-built -- so you just WANT to take it places. To sum up: highly recommended.
Eddie Ashworth
1 review
Fantastic portable mic, equally useful for capturing ideas on the go, interviews, and online conferencing. Very good sound quality. Customer service and mission are top notch.
Conan Thebeatbarian
1 review
Excellent mic and the perfect modern solution for a combined portable recorder/microphone/stylish accessory. Love it.
Charlotte Arculus
1 review
I totally love this mic! It has an amazing, warm, clear sound. Its great for recording acoustic instruments and its great for voice.
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