AI driven conversation intelligence platform for sales
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9 Reviews
Chuck Whiteman

Founder & Leadership

2 reviews
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I've been using a beta version of Traq and have been very impressed. The voice recognition and transcription is strong and the AI-driven insights piece is clearly valuable and bound to get better-and-better-and-better the more users (and data) Traq accumulates. So all I can say is "Pile in and start using it ... for your benefit and the rest of us too ;-)".
Ted Kelley
I am a certified business broker.
3 reviews
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This is really an exciting innovation. It’s positioned to streamline the sales process dramatically and will no doubt become a fundamental part of the sales managers toolbox.
Blas Giffuni
2 reviews
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I use Traq for my sales calls and internal project calls. Having a summary of the calls is a time saver. The AI keeps getting better at defining Tasks, risk, and opportunities. When I share calls with prospects, they're impressed and makes me look like a bigger company. There are things to improve like the transcription quality for people with strong accents (like me), but this is a known flaw even for the big players like Google and Apple.
Ilaria Merizalde
Hey Blas! We're so glad you find useful for your sales calls and project calls. Definitely, the call summary is a popular feature since it lets you review past calls in seconds. Thanks for your feedback about the transcription, and as someone with an accent myself I can definitely relate, :). But as we keep improving our technology, transcription quality will keep going up as well.
Ehud Levin
1 review
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I've been using Traq for a while. I've challenged the team a few times with a few deliberated translations, the system was so right it was surprising. I wouldn't have caught or pinpoint a few of the insights the system outlined at the end of a few conversation. I love the idea that it is a learning and improving system. A few expressions unique to our field, Energy, once recognized and understood were utilized properly in all zoom and conversations. I'm looking forward to further utilize and benefit from Traq. Thank you guys!
Adam Rubenstein
Ehud, we appreciate you using and especially your thoughtful feedback. Thank you!
Marie Hamblin
consultant - delivery/logistics sphere.
1 review
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As a beta user I can’t wait to roll this out to my clients, friends and peers- it’s transformed the ease in which I work. I used to spend my days cursing applications trying to find what I needed but no more!
Ilaria Merizalde
That’s true. Traq definitely makes your life easier by capturing all the important information in your sales meeting, or any meeting! And the AI is the 🍒 on top. 😁
Adam Rubenstein
Marie, we appreciate your help. Your feedback is invaluable. Thanks for your support!
Brian Mintz
general manager
3 reviews
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we have been using Traq for a while now and find it to be an incredibly unique way to manage sales conversations. Our reps and managers can see the key points without having to listen to a recording or read the entire transcript. It saves us a lot of time and when you pull together multiple conversations from the same company (different team members and different departments), we see the big picture. That helps us to quicky pivot when either threats or opportunities present themselves. I'm excited to be part of the evolution of Traq365 technology. They welcome my input! As the community grows, together we will benefit. Kudos!
Adam Rubenstein
Brian, we appreciate you and your team using Traq and the feedback you provide. It's great customers and their success that makes this so worthwhile. Thank you!
Ilaria Merizalde
Hi Brian, thanks for the review! We love to hear how our customers are finding value in It's true that it saves you a lot of time, time that can be used for much more productive (and rewarding) things than taking notes or looking for notes in the CRM. And as you said, just like any SaaS product, we are constantly evolving - so we're happy to hear any suggestions or requests you have. Stay in touch!
Kurt Dombro
Business owner
1 review
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I was pleasantly surprised how accurate the transcription was
Ilaria Merizalde
Thank you. Accurate transcriptions are the basis for the AI insights so it's been a focus area since the beginning :)
Jeremy Drawas
Avid outdoorsman and craftsman
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Founder at,
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