Live learning is effective, engaging, and energizing. Taught by experienced operators, discover 100+ courses through Maven and supercharge your career, get promoted, or learn a life-changing skill.
Uteach is an all-in-one platform for starting a teaching business within minutes. With Uteach users can enjoy the benefits of live and recorded webinars, automated test assessments, e-schedules, group classes at their own website, have a mobile app, and more.
Odyssey is a learning DAO on a mission to onboard the next 1 million people to web3. We've written quality ELI5 guides for intro to web3, DeFi, DAOs, NFTs, and more. Start learning now 👇
Millions of Ukrainian women lost their jobs when Russia invaded Ukraine. We are launching a Foundation to raise money and help women study to get started on a creative or tech junior position.
Loak is the 1st platform focused on allowing AR developers to easily publish and monetize AR games and experiences. Loak will be opening the platform to allow any AR developer to publish and monetize their AR experiences soon. Let's gamify the world!
Math Learning Games that allow kids to achieve skill mastery by capturing their imagination. Each skill has a variety of game options so that parents, teachers, and kids can keep learning and skills practice fun.