Spark your startup exposure and backlink profile (good for SEO) using a curated list of 280+ website carefully enriched with: -Type -Topic -Time to publish -Free/Paid -Difficulty -Domain Authority -Traffic volume & Top Country -Majestic Trust & Citation Flows
Baremetrics cuts through the noise and reveals the insights you need to make profitable decisions that propel the business forward. See what's happening today, plan for tomorrow, and strategize for growth months and years down the road.
Ignition helps PMM and PM teams launch more effectively, save time on planning, and create more internal alignment. It uses best practice-based workflows to predict product timelines, dynamically recommend plans, and centralize plans/tasks/assets/measurement.
Day One is a fellowship for founders who are in the early stages of building something. Think of Day One like a global, virtual EIR program, powered by a venture-studio playbook.
An open-source, end-to-end solution for publishing knowledge. - Import from Word, Markdown, LaTeX, JATS, etc. - Draft in real-time with your collaborators - Invite reviewers - Design your site - Publish - Assign a DOI - Discuss with readers
Software versioning, release notes, notifications, and publishing, all with one click. When creating a release, we'll update your specified version file, generate release notes, and create a release on your git hosting provider.
Snack is an AI-driven mobile learning app that delivers short-form videos to help startup founders and their team members learn in minutes. The content covers topics like tips of funding seeking, and key facts about growth.