At Mozilla, we’re a global community of technologists, thinkers and builders working together to keep the Internet alive and accessible, so people worldwide can be informed contributors and creators of the Web. We believe this act of human collaboration across an open platform is essential to individual growth and our collective future.
Distraction Blocker (now inactive) is a Chrome extension that prevents you from getting distracted on the web through real-time interventions. We save users over an hour a day by intercepting on distracting sites and showing reports with actionable insights.
Out of sight, out of mind ―hide tabs when you switch to something else, and bring them back when you need them again. Read later ― keep tabs in Wardrobe until you have time to read them.
TabTrum is a light and fast Chrome Extension built to address the twin issues of having multiple tab combinations for Work, Research, Recreation, etc. and having the device's memory taking a hit due to having umpteen tabs open.
Blixem is an extension that turns your new tab screen into a command center to view tabs vertically, access your favorite sites, and launch Workspaces in a single click. Save your tabs into Workspaces for easy access, sharing, and collaboration.
Auto Group Tabs is a google chrome extension to automatically group your browser tabs. You have to install "Auto Group Tabs" from the chrome store. Once installed, you can group your tabs by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Y or Cmd+Shift+Y on a Mac.
Tab Management Chrome Extension that gives users the control to reliably store and manage their browser tabs. No more lost tabs! With MyTabs you can quickly gather all your tabs into one list, manage and organize them in one place.
Tab manager and Web page info summary popup. It helps you to EFFECTIVELY browse, search, save and share your pages. If you have many open tabs at the same time - or if you use Chrome on multiple PCs and devices then you need this extension!