No, but seriously, the SwitchPod is an awesome invention and I'm excited to have this sleek versatile tripod. I give Caleb and Pat a ton of credit for the design thoughtfulness they put into the SwitchPod!
I got to play with the prototype, as well as seeing them used in person, in multiple events. There are many reasons to launch a product, but you can tell Pat was truly passionate about this from how he genuinely and naturally integrated it into his vlogging routine. I've used Kickstarter products before where you can tell that the fun concept was what pushed it forward, but it simply wasn't field-tested enough. Based on using an earlier prototype that I've already felt was ready for the market, I've no doubt this will be a solid buy. Flicking the legs out in an instant feels cool to do, as well as making such a seamless transition from walking to placing it on a surface, that you can do literally in the middle of recording without any effort. I've used the GorillaPod many times and honestly, you need a much more fixed arm for selfie style vlogging if your equipment is a certain weight and its flexibility there has worked against it for me by it losing its ideal positioning, where SwitchPod's sturdiness wouldn't make that possible. Lightweight, and takes up so little space, so very practical to travel with. On what I said about the Switchpod vs a gimbal: Nowadays stabilizing (shake reduction) is way less important since it's already built into new GoPros and smartphones, and I believe Switchpod materials are a natural shock absorber. So, I'd literally only miss the cinematic feel I get from the camera staying horizontal no matter how my hand twists. Honestly though, that is a small pain compared to how bulky a gimbal is, as well as awkwardness to take it out and add a tripod to it etc. Switchpod has already easily beaten GorillaPod. Realistically, I'd still opt for the Switchpod most of the time and appreciate they kept it simple and practical in a world where we tend to demand a thousand features! Pat didn't request this review from me and I've no association with Switchpod. Just had the chance to use a prototype and loved it! Already ordered my own and can't wait to use it.
I got to play with a prototype over the summer and it is a game changer for vlogging. Caleb and Pat have invented something special here. I bought 5.
The Kickstarter campaign became fully funded in a day, wow! Looks like the community has a lot of hope for this product.
I've tested out multiple prototypes - can't wait to get my hands on the real thing. Plus, I love the addition of mounting holes for extra pieces of gear!
I got to see earlier versions of this at two large YouTuber events and even back then the reaction was WOW. This felt ready back then, I can just imagine how much better it is now. Can't wait for this game changer!