Call me old fashioned, but sending whale-size emails, full of confusing, pseudo-informative content is CRAP! What's SEXY is a weekly email with Danny DeVito-size viral, growth hack marketing case studies, containing: Strategies, Tools, and Psychology
VYPER 2.0 is a new and improved viral marketing tool that lets business owners easily build beautiful giveaways (contests, leaderboards, waitlists, sweepstakes) and reward programs (loyalty, referral, ambassador).
Campaignware helps brands engage with their social audience and grow their email list - through a huge range of free digital content campaigns, from quizzes, trivia, polling, surveys, user generated content and more. At a low cost with no code.
NewsWhip’s Chrome extension lets you monitor and predict the social media performance of any link, across three major platforms — Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Just how shareable is piece of content? The Chrome Extension is an easy way to see which links are being shared, and how they’re predicted to drive more interactions. You can check which influencers are giving a story the most buzz across Facebook and Twitter. The Chrome Extension dashboard displays Facebook engagements (likes, shares, comments, and reactions), Predicted Interactions, Twitter Influencer shares, and Pinterest Pins. The second half of the screen displays the Influencers for Facebook or Twitter. You can get more details on the influencers by clicking on them and view the story in NewsWhip Spike by using the link at the foot of the page “View story on Spike”.
Blogic is an all-in-one tool to manage and create blogs using Notion as CMS. It lets you create a blog within a minute and manage it right from the Notion. Blogic comes with Custom Domains, Subscriptions, Great SEO, forms to Notion DB, and more...
Based on 12+ years of experience, tons of A/B tests, Google’s top and Fortune’s Top 500's corporate career sites structure and traffic decomposition. Once you getting this guide we'll send you updates.
Photochain is a new generation of content marketplaces enabled by blockchain and AI technology that, for the first time, allows any contributor to have full control over the price, copyright and licensing of their digital images.
Quidol is an interactive livestreaming platform where everyone : users, companies and content creators, can easily create their liveshopping and livestreaming sessions and interactions (sales, quizzes, surveys) from their own devices, with or without a studio
Bridging the Gap between consumers & brand advertisers, SyenApp is an intelligent platform that gives greater control and more privacy to the consumer handling all that digital marketing clutter while giving retailers direct access to the consumer.