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    Student OS

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    What do people think of Student OS?

    The community submitted 3 reviews to tell us what they like about Student OS, what Student OS can do better, and more.
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    4.3/5All time (3 reviews)
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    3 Reviews
    Ajinkya Bhat | Notion X Startups
    Maker of the #1 Startup System on PH!👇
    17 reviews
    I beta tested this for Matthew and I must say this is the most comprehensive Student Template I have seen! Super product, do check it out! All the best with the launch!
    Matthew | Notion4Coders
    Thank you Ajinkya for great review 😁
    Anica Kurzbach


    11 reviews
    Congrats on the launch, Matthew! Your template will help so many students to efficiently manage their studies, including coursed, grades and everything that belongs to a student's university life. Good luck with the launch🍀
    Matthew | Notion4Coders
    Thank you Anica for awesome review 😊
    Junu Moon
    Junu Moon
    Ai Engineer
    1 review
    Ive always had struggles in scheduling classes. I did try to manage them w/ notion. But I failed everytime. I wonder this template would succed