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  • Stageset


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    What do people think of Stageset?

    The community submitted 8 reviews to tell us what they like about Stageset, what Stageset can do better, and more.
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    5/5All time (8 reviews)
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    8 Reviews


    1 review
    This project is really cool.
    Nestor🚀 McKinney 🥷
    1 review
    Stageset is an amazingly efficient sales deal room tool with a very pleasing aesthetic design. Setting up a room is simple and intuitive. You can embed media, files, videos, you name it! A great tool to replace back and forth email between a client or prospect. Their support is top notch; any initial questions I had were usually answered swiftly and by one of the founders, who took the time out to ensure everything was good to go. My very first deal room I shared led to a lucrative partnership and I’m excited to see what’s on their roadmap. If you’re in sales or any role that you need to share info with clients or partners, Stageset is the way to go !
    Neil G
    Neil G
    App enthusiast
    2 reviews
    Fantastic tool. Great and responsive support.
    Stef Grandgi
    Key focus and use the right tools.
    4 reviews
    Great product. The team maintains and improves it on a regular basis.
    Andrew Lee
    9 reviews
    Great service. Consistent updates with everything working smoothly.
    Michael Okraj
    CEO & Creative Director, DESIGNERDEUTSCH
    7 reviews
    Great tool, great responsive team. The tool gets improved well over the last year. 4,5 / 5 ⭐️
    Karim Mneimneh
    Co-founder @99check
    3 reviews
    I've tried many proposal tools. Stageset is the most minimal and functional because I like to create Google Slides and Google Docs and compile them in one proposal.
    Keara Leduc
    Building the future of luxury
    1 review
    Love it, simple & useful!