Square Cash

Square Cash

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22 Reviews
Jeff Osborn
Owner, work/ethic
7 reviews
Does not recommend this product

There's nothing wrong with gimmicks, but using a gimmick like this to promote something risky and potentially dangerous is irresponsible at best.

John Borden
Creative Coder from New Mexico
9 reviews
Reviewed this product

Presenting this in a children's book format is risky and makes me feel strange. On the one hand I like it because it's very simple, has amazing illustrations, and it's doesn't make any crazy predictions on bitcoin's future value.

On the other hand, I feel a certain unease about kids getting into bitcoin. I'd be more at ease back when most bitcoin enthusiasts where nerdy types who thought it was cool that they could mine currency using a bunch of GPUs. Nowadays there's this community of speculators along for the ride who may or may not become suicidal when the price dips because they made some really bad financial decisions. If I had kids, I definitely wouldn't want them hanging out with the latter.

I don't think the intention here is to get kids into bitcoin, but there was an intention to convey this information in a children's book format. Again, it's a strange place to be in.

Shai Alon
Shai Alon
Making software.
1 review
Does not recommend this product

It seems the Bitcoin community has run of idiots in the world to buy their stupid "currency" for inflated prices, so they are now preying on our children.

No Thanks.


This product is probably illegal, so not even valuable as a joke.

1 review
Does not recommend this product

Shai is right, it is brainwashing.

Be the first company someone deals with something new through and they will be drawn to you forever - preying on children is horrible.

Anushka Sharma
Founder @nushkino
8 reviews
Recommended this product

Our relationship to money, the state (where we live) is rapidly evolving. Financial structures that underpin so much of the old world can't seem to always embrace the potential of change and technology. I am all about sharing the knowledge to help anyone who wants to learn, have access to clear and simple information. I think this nails it, as well as presenting an offer that other companies in the space haven't quite been able to build let alone articulate. Good luck Jack, I'm excited to see how this evolves.

Does not recommend this product
Does not recommend this product

Unethical - I hope this is a joke

Abid Omar
Abid Omar
Co-founder, Chatveda
14 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Sam Elliott
Building @empowerapp
3 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Cody Winton
CEO @ TrueCoders
3 reviews
Recommended this product
Review of Square Cash