Call me old fashioned, but sending whale-size emails, full of confusing, pseudo-informative content is CRAP! What's SEXY is a weekly email with Danny DeVito-size viral, growth hack marketing case studies, containing: Strategies, Tools, and Psychology
LetterHunt connects you to 10,000+ niche, active newsletter writers to promote your product. Find and partner with newsletters in your niche and unlock a new avenue for marketing your product/service. Newsletters are categorized along with engagement stats 🙌
Building a newsletter is not easy, but this dashboard makes it simple. Get better at writing, growing & monetizing your newsletter by using Newsletter OS. Gain instant access to carefully curated guides, templates, resources & tools in a single place.
Get high-quality traffic from your audience's favorite newsletters. Explore the database with 100+ newsletters ready to promote your product. Sell without “selling”.
Newsletters as a digital business has been booming. We’ve created a podcast, blog, and community to help you become a successful newsletter creator. Get 25% off by using this link
Deliver high-quality products with confidence in less than 50% of the expected time and cost. TAP into the future of testing with comprehensive suite of cutting-edge features designed to fuel your QA excellence. 🌟
Open Source Sponsorship Opportunities is database built on Airtable, providing you with links to over 1,200 open source developers, maintainers, and groups looking for sponsorship across the biggest source sponsorship marketplaces on the web.