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  • Spoke.ai

    Communicate better, build faster.
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    What do people think of Spoke.ai?

    The community submitted 39 reviews to tell us what they like about Spoke.ai, what Spoke.ai can do better, and more.
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    5/5All time (39 reviews)
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    39 Reviews
    Sahinur Akther
    I create content that GUARANTEES sales.
    34 reviews
    Congratulations to the Spoke.ai team on the launch of your incredible product! The ability to create AI-Digests of favorite channels and share them with the team is a game-changer for productivity and collaboration.
    Congratulations on the launch! It's great to experience how your products make everyday tasks more seamless. Your dedication and hard work are truly paying off.
    Hani Masood Shareef
    العراق/ نينوى
    21 reviews
    ممتاز جدا
    Nick Anisimov
    FirstHR founder
    19 reviews
    Love this.
    Daniel Burgmann
    2 reviews
    Have been using it for a few weeks already - exciting to see the quick iteration and improvements during that time already. Curious to see which features come next. Congrats on the launch!
    Sobhan Suma
    Co-Founder and space explorer 🚀
    2 reviews
    Amazing tools. Helped us sum up our feature requests and bug reports on slack!

    Engineering at Fieldproxy (YC W22)

    7 reviews
    It will get me some much wonderful contexts which helped me in content writing and for marketing purposes
    Hi Ramesh, thanks for your feedback. We're not specialised in marketing & content use cases but happy to hear that you got value out of our Slack summarization
    2 reviews
    Big fan! Definitely helping me to stay on top of my notifications better. One big change has been that I'm missing less stuff from Slack. As a (mis) user of marking things as unread in Slack, I would often then not properly see it later, but Spoke has helped a lot with this
    Amazing to hear Jax! And you are 100% not the only one to lose something to the "read marker" in Slack!
    Spoke it super helpful when it comes to cutting down noise and time spent going through a ton of slack messages, with the AI-Digests I can get a quick overview of conversations that are happening across teams.
    Brad Heller
    2 reviews
    I've been using Spoke for a while and it's great! Love the product and super great team working on it. They have a cool inbox-0 type product too that is really interesting as well. Great work so far, folks!