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What do people think of Spigot?

The community submitted 3 reviews to tell us what they like about Spigot, what Spigot can do better, and more.
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3 Reviews
Evan Depko
Always learning
1 review
Spigot is an absolute game changer when it comes to finding your next job. Its unique technology does most of the heavy lifting. My time is now spent sifting through all the companies who are contacting me vs applying to endless open positions hoping someone responds.
Luke Rosales
Looking in the SAAS space
1 review
Spigot worked absolutely amazing for me! I had 30 interviews in 2 weeks! I had multiple offers coming in and I am so glad I was able to work with Lance and his team! Would highly recommend!
Chintan Mehta

Data & Analytics

1 review
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