Snippets Studio

Snippets Studio

Save frequently used code
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What is Snippets Studio?
Snippets Studio 2.0 - The Platform Update is now available! This update includes the BRAND NEW macOS app with support for platform specific UI and the ability to view snippets in auxiliary windows. On iPadOS there is a brand new sidebar along with support for opening the Code View in Split View and Stage Manager. Start organizing your code today! And stop searching through old projects or browser tabs for code you need!
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Snippets Studio 2.0
In Snippets Studio, save code that you frequently use or want to reference later. Organize your code with custom languages and tags and sync your snippets to your iCloud-enabled devices. No need to search through old projects or browser tabs for code you need!
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Snippets Studio
In Snippets Studio, save code that you frequently use or want to reference later. Organize your code with custom tags and languages and sync your snippets to your iCloud-enabled devices. No need to search through old projects or browser tabs for code you need!
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