The fastest way to manage your Mac's windows in Mission Control, with keyboard navigation, shortcuts and more. It's especially useful for Macs with small displays, an excellent alternative to nervously ⌘+Tab'ing your way to declutter your windows.
With Paletro, by pressing ⇧⌘P, you have access to all of the functionality of current focused app, including keyboard shortcuts for the most common operations.
⦿ Snap windows by pressing a modifier key and moving your cursor ⦿ Snap windows with keyboard shortcuts or by dragging windows to the edge of the screen ⦿ Move & resize windows by holding a modifier key and moving your cursor ⦿ Snap windows not in focus
Easily move and resize windows. Hold modifier keys and drag the mouse to adjust size and position. Hummingbird is a macOS utility that makes window management a breeze.
With Osara, you can access your app's menu with a simple keyword shortcut. No need to remember the complicated key combos for every app anymore! It's like Spotlight but focuses on app menu items.
A clean wall to help you stay focused on the things that matter most. Forget about the many to do lists that just keep on piling and then get lost, instead keep all your important things right on your wall so you never lose track of them.