The best alternatives to are Public, SparkFin 2.0, and Spark. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed a few more alternatives below.
Stock Unlock is a stock analysis platform for anyone who wants to learn more about investing. Instead of being overwhelmed with financial information, we break it down in a way regular people can easily understand.
JStock makes it easy to track your stock investment. It provides well organized stock market information, to help you decide your best investment strategy. JStock integrates seamless with JStock Desktop. Free and open source JStock Desktop can be downloaded separately from
App that connects all investors in one place regardless of their broker of preference. Users can follow other investors, see what they are investing in, and can interact between them while allowing copy trading functionality across brokers.
In short - We generate a monthly report about stocks that have growth potential and gain interest by online investors. We deliver the report in a unique way, creating a "wall" of stocks mentions from all over the internet.