Show Layer

Dribbble for full stack developers by LayerCI
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31 Reviews
Tom Medema
Founder / CEO Bubbles
159 reviews
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Review of Show Layer
Really useful, congrats! I wasn't sure it was a free service at first though, and left some annotated feedback here -
Aidan Nulman
I merge code for breakfast
2 reviews
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Review of LayerCI
My team is an early LayerCI user; we joined several months ago. The stack is fast, the syntax familiar, and the automated dev environments make sharing work within and outside the team a snap. Lyn and Colin give a hoot about the product and their users alike, and it shows. Congrats on the launch team!
19 - Building the future of DeFi
14 reviews
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Thanks @lyn_chen for making this! What an awesome mixtape for working 🙈🔥🔥🔥
Nik Kotov
Nik Kotov
27 reviews
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Review of LayerCI
Congrats on the launch! LayerCI solves a huge pain point especially for non-technical team members and has super easy onboarding!
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Review of LayerCI
As a designer, I got a chance to use LayerCI's demo environments as a way to do visual QA easily. It was super useful for me and made communication with devs so much easier and faster. So, thank you Colin + Lyn! It's so cool!
Ali Jiwani
Startup Enthusiast
8 reviews
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Review of LayerCI
Amazing Product. Amazing Team. AND they are Canadian.
Newton Zheng
Next 36 entrepreneur
5 reviews
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Review of LayerCI
This is going to make such a big impact in CI! Great product and also awesome team :) Thank you for making developers lives a lot easier
Daryna Kulya
Co-Founder @ OpenPhone | Product Hunt TO
15 reviews
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Review of LayerCI
Amazing work and congratulations on your launch!
Joshua Gao
Philosophy and Business
2 reviews
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Review of LayerCI
I’ve been using LayerCI at our startup for over a month now and we’ve cut down our testing times significantly. Highly recommend the product and the founders!!
Mateus Luiz
1 review
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Review of LayerCI
I really like some quality-of-life features and mainly how the cache works, also we're getting all the support needed!